state of the state

Apr 11, 2011 09:41

 So my life is less drama and more meh alright right now.  I've been spring cleaning and reorganizing my aparment which really I feel like I'm doing most times, but not at this level since October.  I wanted some life on my porch so I bought some herbs in the mint family (lemon balm, mint, basil) and some savory, and have planted some bean seeds, lettuce, and the sweet potato that was sprouting in my kitchen.  We'll see if this goes anywhere.  I moved some furniture around and am trying to make my place look like an adult lives there and not a monkey.  Thankfully the only real drama I've had lately is my computer dying, but since the hard drive was not damaged and I can always get another computer/use my laptop for the foreseeable future, it's not a horrible loss.

I finally finished a book this year (in a little under a month!), which is kind of a big deal since I have no concentration skills anymore and am bordering on ADD, but I now have my first Jane Austen book under my belt (Pride and Prejudice).  I think I have my Kindle to thank for this.  I thought I was going to hate it and then I tried Jay's at the end of February and had to get one.  Anyway, so It turns out Pride and Prejudice is not too girly and I actually really enjoy Austen's wit and character studies but I did want to punch Elizabeth Bennett before the end.  I really appreciated that even though we might not have the same circumstances and concerns regarding estates and marrying well for money- we are all able to relate to real stories of relationships of all kinds.  We are still concerned with what people think of us, whether the person we love loves us, what our family thinks, etc.

And now I just want to spend a summer in the English country side growing a garden and reading.

It was also quite the vocab and brain exercise- her writing (especially the dialogue) is in such a different style than what I'm used to.  I'm starting on The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time and I'm guessing this won't take half as long since it's in modern English.

I'm also trying (and failing) to finish Cradle to Cradle which was one of those books that more than one of my college professors assigned us to read during their class and I managed to never finish it.  I'm so close at this point I can taste it but it still feels as far away as ever.  I'm trying to read more books about solid waste and sustainability because I would like to go back to school to study solid waste management, but again, my ADD is ridic.

I went to a couple of shows in the last couple of months with KL and Lisa.  I felt so bad that the Get-up Kids show on my birthday sucked and had no Miniature Tigers (their van broke down).  I also felt bad for being a grumpy old lady at both shows (sorry guys!).  I was so tired at the Damion Suomi album release show that I left 3 or 4 songs into his/their set, which was fucking amazing.  Had I known they were going to be so awesome I might have weathered the second band with more grace (maybe sat in the bathroom for the set) and not been a grumps palumps.

I haven't played any music in about a month which blows and I had to stop piano lessons because the teacher just lived so far away (almost 30 mins one way) and I managed to have work interrupt so many of the sessions that it was getting frustrating.  I want to start playing again soon but I feel like I'm awful at juggling everything and because I'm easily frustrated with slow progress this is one thing that I've let fall through too many times.  It's not an item I can check off a to do list.  It's a long process with no end and no promise of excellence.  I also miss playing with people and learning together like in band but I realize there will probably not be another time in my life where I get to learn music with a group like that.  I really need to work on focusing myself more.  I have too many competing interests and change my focus too often.

Anyway that's where I am.  I'm still wanting to get out of here and be domestic and boring, but I'm OK.
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