My Trip

Mar 21, 2004 18:14

Okay now I have time to type all about my loverly trip to Spain and Italy. We went to Italy first and it was really beautiful. Me and 3 other girls got lost in Rome. It was scary. Rome is 1000% more ghetto than downtown Chandler. I hate it there and I'm never going back. Florence was beautiful and on the way up we stopped in this little town (which I forgot the name of) that I absolutely loved and I'm going to live in some day. We took a ferry (which was more like a freakin cruise ship) across the Mediterranean Sea to Barcelona. Barcelona is really modern, and the mall there is huge - like 7 huge stories high!!! Our mall is nothing compared to it! But yeah that's the general outline of my trip, you can ask for more details if you want to. Oh one more thing! We were doing these things called "5 Euro Dares" (euro=European dollar). Everyone had to do this crazy stuff and other people would pay them. Mine was to get 20 pictures with Italian guys. I did it in one day - it was so much fun! I look like a little pimpette, it's hilarious!!! You can ask for pictures if you want them, IM me at: sugarjunkie50 xoxoxo
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