Oct 02, 2006 14:46
I'm happy to report I had a fun and relaxing weekend. ^^
On Saturday I did some homework and started sewing Kipling's new bedding set (which is turning out freak'n AWESOME). Keith called me later on and told me his boss had given him four tickets for the Canucks game and $50 to spend on drinks. So, we went with his brother and sister in-law, which was really fun. I enjoyed myself a lot.
Yesterday, Sunday, I had a biology fieldtrip in the morning. It was a hike through a forest while IDing different plant species. It was more interesting than I expected, mostly because our instructor kept eating leaves and berries. XD
When that was over, I went to Keith's. We took the ferrets to the park and had them explore on their leashes. We weren't surprised when Twitch tried to crawl up our legs (it's her way of saying "Pick me up!"), but we were shocked when Kipling did it! I've never seen him so skitish before. I knelt down infront of him and put out my hands. He immediately leapt into my hands and curled up in my arms. Awwwww! See, Twitch shows her bond with us very clearly, but Kipling does so extremely rarely. So this was huge for us. The park trip was fun, though it was annoying having to watch out for dogs, especially since it's a LEASH ONLY zone. Idiots don't know when to keep their dogs on leashes...
After the park, we were determined to exhaust the fuzzies. We let them out for a long romp, followed by playtime in the ricebox. At the end of it, they were so sleepy, it was hillarious. Whenever we'd move Kipling, he'd let out a whining moan. XD
So yay! XD I had Fish House this morning, that went very well today. I also got a sneak peak at the new Conacord Gallery, which looks fucking AMAZING. I talked to Karine a bit, and she said that if I ever want to work with Showtime Pictures again, I can. That's awesome, since I don't know if I'll be able to get a new job right now and I'd like to get easy full-time hours this winter.
Now, I'm relaxing at home. I'll work on my homework a bit, maybe do some sewing too, but mostly relax. I'll try to upload photos tonight.