Because I'm that much of a geek.....

Apr 02, 2006 20:26

A couple of quick Harry Potter questions any of your Potheads (not the marijuana kind) might be able to answer.
1. I've packed my HBP so I can;t look this up myself. What is Hagrid doing at the end of the book? From the tower sequence on? Is there any mentions in the book of Dumbledore havng a chat with Hagrid?

2. Why in GOF movie does Harry have his arm in a sling? In the shot before he's handling the egg with the same arm that he has in the sling. I was wondering if maybe it was from the twins droppin him, but after that he still show's no problem with it. Is there a reason for this or is it something the AD or Director or Editor missed?

Hope everyone is doing well. Later
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