shits and giggles

Jan 13, 2005 23:25

Another quiz, though I tried having fun with this one...

1. FIRST NAME: Joshua or Josh, or whatever I told you, the reader, that I prefer to go by.

2. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? I remember my parents said they watched this great early 80’s sci-fi/action flick called “WAR GAMES” starring Matthew Broderick and Ally Sheedy (She’s really hot btw) when they started dating. It involves an underachiever computer nerd kid in Seattle who manages to hack into the Military NORAD missile defense and accidentally triggers the start of a countdown to WWIII. During the movie he races to try to stop Armageddon from occurring. There’s a really good role done by John Wood as a crazy recluse scientist. Oh, and the bald guy form Top Gun is in it too. Anyway, Joshua is the name of the computer.

3. DO YOU WISH ON STARS? Stars? Is that what you kids call particular drugs these days? “Dude, are you on STARS?” Anyway, the answer is no. I have often stared aimlessly at the night sky for hours, but never with an agenda.

4. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY? At Stevens New Year party I think I laughed so hard I began to cry a little. Or peed my pants a little. It was one of those two. It involved a bodily fluid, that’s for sure.

5. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? Yeah, actually I do, especially when I can read it.
6. ANY BAD HABITS? I touch the tip of my nose a lot; like I’m scratching it. I also fart in elevators and run off frantically.

7. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING CD ON THE SHELF? I remember a while back my mom was getting rid of some CD’s she though were crappy so I checked out what she was otherwise going to sale or give away. I listened to them all, returned some immediately, got rid of some later, kept a few. Yet there was one really bad one I just never got around to throwing out. Long story short, I think the first Creed album is in my collection.

8. ARE YOU A DAREDEVIL? I think I’m more of a Batman: no special abilities but manage to get along alright, constantly single, a liking for large, spacious, and damp caverns. My friends in my dorm well attest that I am a daredevil though when it comes to eating ANYTHING. And I mean anything.

9. HAVE YOU EVER TOLD A SECRET YOU SWORE NOT TO TELL? Yes. I have fathered 3 kids. There, I said it.

10. DO LOOKS MATTER? Yes. I don’t like unnatural tans, bleached hair, painted nails or any other shit some girls do to flaunt themselves or their money. I could also never be with someone who has to wear make-up all the time either. But at the same time, people should at least keep themselves tidy and hygienic. In other words, I like girls who are naturally pretty, but not so natural that they don’t shave their legs or some nonsense.

11. HOW DO YOU RELEASE ANGER? I listen to Rage Against the Machine and then follow it up with a fierce session of bowel movements.

12. DO YOU TRUST OTHERS EASILY? Used to, then people I knew started disappearing or getting killed. I stopped once horse heads started ending up in my bed.

13. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TOY AS A CHILD? Ninja Turtles. Maybe Micro machines. NO WAIT. Legos. Definitely Legos.

14. WHAT CLASS IN SCHOOL DO YOU THINK IS TOTALLY USELESS? AP Physics. Which I didn’t take because it was too hard of course.

15. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL? I have a live journal, a xanga, and a myspace. So no, I don’t.

16. DO YOU USE SARCASM? I don’t know, do I? Yes.

17. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN A MOSH PIT? Been near one, but I’ve never moshed…it up…hardcore…bro…

18. WHAT DO YOU LOOK FOR IN A GIRL? Unique personality, outspokenness, little idiosyncrasies, attractive looks. I really have no idea actually. So whatever apparently “floats my boat,” “puts the mustard on my bratwurst,” etc.

19. WHAT ARE YOUR NICKNAMES? Wanker, euro-trash (thank you Stephen and Adam for using that one ALL THE TIME), “love,” loads of cheesy little nicknames various girls call me, even more cheesy little nicknames my mom calls me, back in England I held the aliases Brad (long story), and Dudley (Even longer story). I wish people called me Jamal.

20. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? Yes. But not naked. Wait; was that part of the question?

21. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? I quasi-untie them, except flip-flops, which is self-evident.

22. DO YOU THINK THAT YOU ARE STRONG? I have a “live strong” bracelet my brother found and gave me. Does that mean anything other than I couldn’t even pay a buck to research testicular cancer?

23. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR? Triple Rocky Chocolate Mousse Strawberry Fudge Delight…and yes, I just made that up.

24. WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE COLORS? Black, Grey, Blue, Brown, Orange, Red, and some Greens…why the hell did I just capitalize those?

25. WHO DO YOU MISS MOST RIGHT NOW? Dimebag Darrell. RIP BRO! I also really miss a lot of people from Paschal I didn’t see over the break.

26. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE YOU SENT THIS TO, TO SEND IT BACK? I found this. So, uhh…what!?

27. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? The hum of the computer, my dog walking by…oh, and I was listening to Everclear earlier. They’re alright, my dad likes them. My dad’s cool. But yeah, my computer, it makes noises and stuff.

28. LAST THING YOU ATE? A really, really, ridiculously stale candy cane from Christmas.

29. LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? My Mom. I’m a dork by the way.

30. THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX? Ass. I mean, they’re eyes. Sometimes they’re footwear. Usually something clothing related. Sometimes breast size, but it’s always clothing related, I swear.

31. HOW ARE YOU TODAY? Eh. Woke up really early, watched Empire of the Sun and got all nostalgic, ate lunch with Rachel, received annoying phone calls from dad. It was okay.

32. FAVORITE DRINKS? Are you implying that I’m an alcoholic!? I’m not! Anyway, I do like foreign soda. And Tang.

33. FAVORITE SPORTS? Anything EXTREME! Or quidditch.

34. HAIR COLOR? Dark brown. It’s like borderline emo/hardcore in level of darkness.

35. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? No. My like eyes work and stuff.

36. SIBLINGS? Two, a younger brother and a younger sister. They’re cool kids I suppose.

37. FAVORITE MONTH? October. Because I can wear shorts and addidas track jackets like a total moron. Plus it’s like the last fall mouth, I mean, month, before it starts getting really cold.

38. FAVORITE FOOD? I like anything. Like, seriously, anything. No favorite food. Except chocolate.

39. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? Empire of the Sun. Probably my favorite movie ever.

40. FAVORITE DAY OF THE YEAR? Any day when I sleep for more than 12 hours straight and don’t miss anything important is a good day.

41. ARE YOU TOO SHY TO ASK SOMEONE OUT? Hells NO! *snapping fingers and moving them in a circle like a pissed off black woman*

42. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? You mean sad endings versus happy endings or scary movies versus comedies? Who the hell wrote this questionnaire!? I like good movies period, to answer this CRAPPY question.

43. SUMMER OR WINTER? Okay, this quiz sucks. Honestly. Someone totally didn’t take in account living in Australia, because the seasons are reverse. Like, if an Australian resident put winter than they would imply to the uninformed American reader that they like colder, more somber seasons where in reality they actually like hot and sunny weather. So my answer is neither. Or both. The second one. Yeah. In relation to northern hemisphere of course.

44. RELATIONSHIPS OR ONE NIGHT STANDS? I like to use music albums as an analogy for this one. One night stands are like those albums you buy of some band with a really big hit song. So you listen to the whole thing once, realize it kind of sucked except for one song, so you never listen to it again. Relationships on the other hand are those really kick ass albums you grow a huge liking for over time, and at first you can’t help but listen to it over and over again, but over time you listen to it less frequently. But you still keep it close anyway, so you can listen to it again later on when you really want to, and eventually you realize it will never loses its timelessness, so you return to it over and over again forever. So of course, it’s obvious I think one night stands are better.

45. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING? Nothing at the moment. I’m too busy. Okay, too lazy. Both. I mean, come on, literacy is overrated anyway.

46. WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? It’s a mini-Persian rug. Quite fancy actually. I bet the Sultan of Brunei has one too…only like his is made of gold or something.

47. FAVORITE BOARD GAME? Risk. Because it takes forever. And I can pretend I’m Napoleon.

48. WHAT DID YOU WATCH ON TV LAST NIGHT? Most of that “Quintuplets” sitcom on FOX.

49. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU THINK OF WHEN YOU WAKE UP? I just make sure my clothes are still on and that I’m still in my house.

50. SAY ONE THING NICE ABOUT THE PERSON THAT SENT THIS TO YOU. I copied this from Kate Ferris’s xanga. She’s a really cool person who I haven’t talked to in ages, because I’m an inconsiderate ass.
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