Just a thing or two...

Jan 21, 2008 23:50

A couple of things occurred to me when I went to Hollywood last week. I'm going to reveal one: I may have had a realization that will change my view on living in Hollywood. Spending time in the godforesaken place is almost unavoidable for a person who wants to be involved in the industry. However, I always contended that I'd rather commute five times a week than live there. But who am I kidding? I hate traffic...and the thought of driving up the 405 every day during rush hour would probably result in a trail of dead about 29.3 miles long.

Besides that, I might learn to like the feeling of being surrounded with the "Hollywoodness." Would I still have problems with Hollywood? Of course. Will I change my mind again on the subject before it comes time to make a decision? Most likely.

With that, I head to school tomorrow for the start what should be my last semester. I met up with my Film 2 group and then hung out with Casey, both of which helped get me even more excited to get back to classes.

One more thing, I came across this and was amused. It's from a story about a bill proposed in Virginia prohibiting the mentally ill from buying guns at gun shows:

"Earlier Monday at a Senate committee hearing on the bill, supporters,
many wearing ribbons in Tech's colors of maroon and orange,
outnumbered opponents by about 3 to 1. The opponents sported buttons
reading 'Guns Save Lives.'"

Goodnight all.

life, movies, rants & obervations

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