When you are trying hard

Apr 13, 2016 00:55

The dreamer

Do you start at the beginning?
Does the beginnning start when you first opened your eyes? When you inhaled your first breathe?

We were all too young and innocent to remember the feeling, too young to remember our first cry, the expression our mom had when she first looked at that small mush of flesh, squirming in her arms, crying.

We didn't have the capacity to imagine what we wanted to become, our goals, our aspirations, what we wanted in life. We were a blank piece of paper; our names are the first few words written on that piece of papdr, beautifully written at the very top corner by our parents. In print? Absolutely not! It was rather written in an intricate cursive style. why? We needed more care, it needed more attention and patience. It was calligraphy that started would apparently start our stories.

I had to believe that words flow with grace, that it needed alot of focus, because it was too sensitive


The Crazy

It starts with a name. And the name evolves into a character, the character becomes a god, and the god becomes the demon, and the demon becomes a man, and in the end, the man transcribes how he came to be.


The Fool

When the time comes, he will look my way.


The Chef

This recipe does not require uncommon and inexpensive ingredients, on the contrary, you could say that this requires ingredients commonly found anywhere but the method of preparing this dish is quite tedious. And it requires alot of patience.


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