Jun 03, 2011 23:45
Pairing: Rachel / Quinn, side Brittany / Santana
Rating: PG13 now, NC-17 eventually
Spoilers: All episodes, just to be safe.
Summary: Quinn gets way more than she expected when she flirts with Rachel as a joke.
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine, obviously.
Author's Note: Just pretend that Brittany dumped Artie for Santana shortly after the locker scene. Also, this is totally unedited, so...yeah.
Oh my goodness, thank you all for your reviews. I’m so glad this story resonated with you guys!
And, yeah, I know the chapters are short. They might continue to be, but I’ll do my best to extend them when I can. I can’t imagine it’s going to wind up being too long of a story, so I’ll try to get more into each chapter.
Here’s the next part. This is literally all that I’ve written, so it might take me a while to get the next chapter up. Thanks for sticking with me!
The loss at Nationals took everybody by surprise. They walked into the competition feeling immortal and then, all of a sudden, the laughter and the joy was simply stolen from them mid-breath.
Everybody, including Rachel, was livid with Finn. She had known that he wanted to get back together, but she never dreamed that he’d kiss her in the middle of the performance. If she hadn’t been in stage in front of hundreds of people, she would have slapped him so hard that he’d have whiplash for a month.
Which is exactly what she did once the curtain went down.
As they boarded the airplane back to Ohio, Rachel chanced a look at Quinn. Surprisingly, the blonde had been taking the loss harder than anybody else, though Rachel hoped that there was at least a little jealousy in there.
As she moved towards Quinn, Rachel found herself being pulled back onto her seat.
“Whoa there, Stud,” Santana said, sitting down next to her and buckling them both in. “Trust me, you don’t want to go over there right now.”
“Santana, I merely want to discuss the events that transpired during the competition with Quinn,” Rachel replied, unbuckling her seatbelt.
“Dammit, Rachel, sit down!” Santana hissed, pulling the brunette back. “Do you know how long Q and I have been best friends?”
“No, but I’m sure you’re going to tell me.”
“Okay, first off. I appreciate the cojones that you’ve sprouted since we got to New York, but don’t forget for a minute that I still can and will deliver a full on beat down. Got it?”
“Fine,” Rachel said, sighing and leaning back.
“Wonderful,” Santana said. “Now, you and I are going to have a little discussion.”
“About you and your intentions,” Santana said quietly as the flight attendant walked through the cabin.
“My what? Santana, you’re not Quinn’s father,” Rachel said.
“No, I’m not, but I am her best friend. And the answer to that question I asked you before is ten years. Quinn and I have been best friends for ten years. So you know I’m not kidding when I tell you that I know everything about her.”
Rachel nodded after a moment. “Even things she doesn’t know about herself yet.”
“Exactly,” Santana said, pleased that Rachel was catching on. “So I need to know what your intentions are. Because, in reality, I’m the closest thing she has to family.”
“I can appreciate that,” Rachel said, taking a deep breath. “Look, I’m going to be honest with you. I thought I was bisexual for a long time. I was wrong.”
Santana narrowed her eyes. “So, you’re going to just plant the seed of doubt in Q’s mind and then run off to Finn or Puck? I swear to god, Berry, I’m going to kill - ”
“Jesus, Santana, shut up!” Rachel hissed. “Let me finish!”
“You better finish quickly, because I’m about two seconds away from making you into a very unappealing Berry pulp.”
“I’m not bisexual.” Rachel said. “I’m gay.”
“But you said -”
“I know what I said,” Rachel said, sighing and leaning back. “And at the time, I thought it was true.”
“Okay, you’re going to have to explain this to me because I’m not used to complete self-discovery in a matter of days,” Santana said, glancing at Brittany and Quinn a few rows ahead of them. “Break it down for me, Berry.”
“I’ve known that I have an appreciation for the female form since I can remember,” Rachel said, closing her eyes as the plane began to taxi. She really hated flying. “And, as I insinuated in the hotel room two nights ago, I’ve pursued that attraction. There were some girls at camp, some girls at school. But, until yesterday, I didn’t realize what they all had in common.”
“Let me guess,” Santana said. “Tall, blonde, hazel eyes.”
“Every one of them,” Rachel said, sighing. “So, when Quinn flirted with me - even though she meant it as a joke - something clicked. Something made sense in a way that it never had before.”
“Okay, go on,” Santana said, though she knew where this was going.
“Have you ever noticed that all of the boys that I’ve dated or had a crush on have been with Quinn?”
“Other than Jesse,” Santana pointed out.
“He barely counts,” Rachel said. “It was like dating a mirror. A hopefully much more annoying mirror.”
Santana opened her mouth to respond, but decided to let that one slide. “Okay, so you think that you were attracted to Finn and Puck because they had been with Quinn?”
Rachel nodded. “I think I knew, at least subconsciously, that they were the closest I was ever going to get to her.”
“I’m not sure, Berry,” Santana said warily. “That seems a little bit too convenient.”
“There’s really nothing convenient about it, unfortunately,” Rachel said. “Especially since, for all of the bravado I showed yesterday, I’m sure that Quinn would never act on anything with me.”
“I’m not so sure about that,” Santana said, regarding Rachel carefully. “Look, I’m going to be totally honest with you too, okay?”
“Quinn has been taught to hide her feelings for pretty much her whole life. And she’s really, freaking good at it. Like, Jedi good at it. But I’ve had my suspicions about her since the first time she walked in on me and Brittany making out in sixth grade. She looked too damn fascinated for a straight girl.”
“So you think she’d be open to my advances?”
“That honestly depends,” Santana said. “How do you usually go about getting chicks?”
“I don’t believe they’d appreciate being referred to as ‘chicks’, but if you must know, I’m very honest about my intentions. I’m obviously in love with Quinn and I’d tell her through song.”
“Okay, see, then the answer is a big, fat, italicized, resounding no. Quinn will not be open to your advances,” Santana said, laughing. “You know that Quinn isn’t like every other girl. You said yourself that you unwittingly tried to find carbon copies of her and how did that work out?”
“Not particularly well,” Rachel admitted.
“Are you familiar with the term ‘gay panic’?” Santana asked.
“Of course,” Rachel said.
“And you never had to deal with that, did you?”
“No,” Rachel replied. “Coming out as bisexual, or even gay, in my house would be like coming out as straight. Completely irrelevant.”
“That’s not what it’s going to be like for Quinn,” Santana said, softly. “Her father isn’t in the picture anymore and, even though her mother is completely cool now, she’s going to need a period of adjustment. If you just tell her that you’re in love with her, she’ll freak the fuck out and regress to infancy. You have to take it slowly with her. Let her get used to the idea that there are other options out there for her. Basically, just do what you did in the hotel room. Show her you’re interested. Be cocky, even. She digs that. But let her have control of the pace.”
“You’re a lot smarter than people give you credit for, aren’t you?” Rachel said, looking into Santana’s eyes.
“I am.”
“Good. I like smart women,” Rachel said, smirking.
“Okay, Berry, keep your eyes on Q, not me,” Santana said with a chuckle.
“But I like my eyes on you,” Rachel replied with a grin.
“Okay, yeah. We’re going to be good friends,” Santana said, laughing.
“I’m not sure if I should be relieved or worried,” Rachel said with a small chuckle.
“What you should be is grateful that I’m not slapping your sarcastic ass,” Santana said, narrowing her eyes, though her lips quirked.
“But maybe I want you to slap my ass,” Rachel countered with a wink.
“Good god, you’re worse than me,” Santana said, closing her eyes, and grinning.
“Thank you,” Rachel said.
“I’m not sure if that’s something you want to be celebrating,” Santana said.
“No, for…everything else,” Rachel replied, taking Santana’s hand and squeezing it gently. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” Santana said. “If you hurt her, I’ll bring a plague of hurt down upon you. So it is said, so it shall be done.”
“Understood,” Rachel said, laughing.
“Good. Now, switch seats with Brit. I want to join the mile high club.”
“Brittany, Santana has requested your immediate presence in the washroom,” Rachel said, standing in front of the two blondes.
“They have a shower on the plane?” Brittany said, her eyebrows furrowed.
“No, I…she wants you to join her in the bathroom,” Rachel said, smiling.
“Oh, you mean for sex!” Brittany said, clapping excitedly.
“I assume so,” Rachel said, giggling as Quinn ducked her head and laughed lightly.
“Okay, talk to you later Quinn! I’m sure Rachel can help you figure out if you’re Lebanese.”
“Okay, thanks Brit!” Quinn said, hurrying the blonde along.
“No problem!” Brittany said, as she ran to the front of the plane.
“I really don’t think you’re Lebanese, Quinn,” Rachel smirked as she sat down in Brittany’s seat and brushed a lock of hair behind Quinn’s ear. “You’re much too fair.”
“Um, yeah. You’re probably right,” Quinn replied, a blush creeping up her neck.
“Unless she got that word confused with something else?” Rachel suggested.
“No, I don’t think so,” Quinn said quickly. “We were talking about, you know, Lebanon.”
“Are you sure?” Rachel asked. “You weren’t talking about…lessons? Or…leopards? Leotards? Lenses perhaps? Leaping? Leather, maybe?”
“Good lord, Berry,” Quinn said, laughing. She couldn’t help it.
“On another note,” Rachel said, remembering Santana’s advice to be honest and keep it slow, “I need to apologize to you.”
“For what?” Quinn said. “That sweater? I accept on the condition that it is immediately destroyed upon landing.”
“Very funny,” Rachel said, rolling her eyes. “But no. For what happened at Nationals.”
“It wasn’t your fault,” Quinn said, her muscles immediately tightening. “It was Finn’s fault for putting you in that position.”
“Still, I know you’re disappointed,” Rachel said, jumping slightly and closing her eyes as the plane entered a rough patch of air.
“Are you okay?” Quinn asked, her eyebrows furrowed.
“Yes, just a little bit of a NERVOUS FLYER!” Rachel screamed, grabbing onto Quinn’s hand when the plane dipped quickly.
Rachel didn’t notice the rest of the cabin looking at her like she had three heads because everything else faded away when Quinn’s hand tightened around hers. Even the fear of crashing. Mostly. Not totally.
“It’s okay Berry,” Quinn said softly, ignoring the heat radiating from the brunette’s hand.
“I know,” Rachel whispered, looking into the blonde’s eyes as the plane evened out.
Quinn removed her hand after a moment, immediately feeling the loss as Rachel sighed and leaned back into her seat.
“For the record, the fact that you slapped Finn made up for all of the disappointment of losing Nationals,” Quinn said quietly.
“It was very cathartic,” Rachel agreed.
“I kind of want to slap him too,” Quinn said, though she suspected it had more to do with the fact that Finn had kissed Rachel than that he had cost them Nationals.
“I’d like to see that,” Rachel said with a smile as she boldly took Quinn’s hand again. “I like strong women.”
Quinn was going to move her hand, really she was. But she found herself still holding on, even as the plane landed.
Please let me know what you think! Reviews are gold!
rating: nc-17,
rating: pg 13,