
Jan 03, 2011 13:49

I was not brainwashed, nor given anything dangerous for Christmas. I am truly grateful for my luck.

As for these ballots... In my experience here in Mayfield, nothing that the town provides for us can be trusted. Do not vote.

...I understand if you do vote, however. I would appreciate if acquaintances notify me which they voted, so that I might keep track. Once the polls close, I am certain we can expect consequences specific for which choice was made. Knowing what you voted ahead of time will assist me in confirming your fates should communications breakdown.

I repeat what I said before Christmas: don't let them control you. Believe in yourselves, and your friends.

Training exercises in the park were on hiatus for Christmas day and the week following, but I've re-started. 7:30am every day but Sunday.

I can still send out my brief summary of events in Mayfield to anyone who wishes to have a copy. Reply with your home address and it will be delivered as soon as possible. Those wishing to keep their addresses private may ask to pick it up at 772 Bunker street's mailbox.

[Filter to 772 Bunker street]

[Ever since a few days before Christmas, there's been a new addition to the house; an adorable German shepherd puppy. Germany has constructed a sturdy doghouse for her on the back porch. He's been running around a lot taking care of her, being too shy to ask Kallen or the girls for help dealing with the extremely hyper extremely needy little furball...]

Her name is Franzi. Please make sure she does not run out the front door, as she still requires training.

[Franzi likes playing!! She also likes playing!! DO YOU WANT TO PLAY?? Any messes she makes are cleaned up very, very quickly by mister clean-freak here, so have no fear, household.]

(( ooc: I'm still backtagging lots of threads for the Christmas event, so if you could keep this post to largely about the voting and the dog and stuff until your character's thread with Germany from before seems like we can assume how it ends, then that'd be cool!! I JUST WANTED TO POST ABOUT THE DOG, MOSTLY lol ))
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