bubblevoid app

Jun 19, 2009 02:58

Name: Fedora
Journal: “poison_prison”
Contact: lycanthrope1530 on AIM, thebeeny@yahoo.com
Current Characters: I gots none

Name: Simon
Canon: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann-Gurren Gakuenhen (High School Version)... Or just “Gurren Gakuenhen” to save you from killing yourself.

History: So once upon a time, there was a boy named Simon. And he was a very unfortunate child-he had terrible luck. When he was a baby at the zoo with his parents, he was kidnapped by monkeys. When he was in preschool, he had problems with wetting himself so he was called “Simon the Pants Pee-er.” When he was in elementary school, after his parents died, he ran away from home and ended up on a tuna fishing boat with his bro, Kamina. His house was demolished by an earthquake, burnt by a fire and then washed away in a flood. There is no limit to this child's bad luck.

Simon lived in the dorms of Dai-Gurren High School as a relatively normal high school student (minus the intrusions on his life from his Aniki, Kamina, and his “slightly older female childhood friend,” Yoko), wanting nothing more than peace.

But he can't have that. One day, on his way to school, Simon met a girl who knew nothing about anything-Nia Teppelin of the rival school Teppelin High. Upon meeting her, they were attacked by another student from Teppelin, Viral, who had been sent by her father-the principal-to bring her home. Nia, who had decided that Simon was her soul mate, dragged him into the fight, by telling Viral that Simon would never lose, even though Simon was in the background, completely lost. She then forces Simon to “gattai” with her (though she has no idea what it really means), and they defeat Viral...

And Nia decides to come live with him. I don't even-

So they go through some high school hijinks, Simon gets dragged into a lot of stuff, and they find out Nia's got a multiple personality. Great. Turns out Other!Nia wants Norma!Nia to only be with someone who truly deserves her! AND APPARENTLY THE WAY TO FIND THAT OUT IS THROUGH SETTING TRAPS ALL OVER DAI GURREN HIGH TO SEE IF SIMON CAN BEAT THEM. SO, after risking his life to get to the roof of Dai Gurren High to save the love of his life, it turns out she's actually got multiple personality disorder. What the hell? AND IT IS THERE Simon proves that he is a man by saving Nia! … Both of her.

And everyone lived happily ever after, just like in Styx's app, and no one died or became antispiral messengers.

Yeah, I don't even claim to understand this series. At... At all. I'm done now.

Personality: If there's one thing that can be said for Simon, it's that he's the kind of kid who will never, ever give up. Like his original counterpart, Gurren Gakuenhen Simon is a determined, fiery soul when it comes to something he believes in. He hasn't had the same chances and obstacles as his original, but the same thing goes for Gakuenhen Simon:

0%? More like 100%!

Despite his determination, Simon is massively negative. It's described in the manga that he is so massively negative, he's positive. This leads him to the problem that if he doesn't completely believe in his task, Simon can kinda be a slacker. He's also kind of a pushover. They type of person you can say “Oh, hay, I'm gonna be living with you this week!” and will answer “Oh, okay-what?” Simon would do anything and everything for his friends, but Nia, who he loves, most of all. He's proven himself by nearly getting himself killed for her more than once. He's a very people-oriented person, who will do things for everyone else, which is how he gets dragged into so many weird situations.

Self-deprecation is a large flaw of his-he can't do anything right, in his own mind, and though it's only touched on in the manga, it crippled the original Simon, so I can only imagine were he to go through anything like original Simon did, it would be the same for him.

Overall, Simon just wants to be a normal kid. He's an every-day no one, with a heart of gold and a burning spirit. He doesn't want adventure, he doesn't want excitement, he just wants a place where he can sit back and relax. No matter where he is, Simon always has a destiny that seems too big for him.

Abilities: Simon has no special abilities. He's really just a normal kid.

Possessions: A school uniform, his core drill, the cloth band around his arm and HIS PET MINI MOLE-PIG BOOTA :Db

At the end of every day at Dai Gurren High, Simon was exhausted. Totally wiped. Between classes, friends and always getting dragged into random adventures and crazy situations, Simon's life wasn't enviable. But it was happy. And he had one person to thank for his happiness. It was the same person he could blame for the craziness. Nia.

As he sank down against the walls of Dai Gurren High, panting from the exhaustion of another long day, he watched her. He'd never been a person of many words, he always preferred to watch and listen, and this was no exception. There were no words to describe the way he felt about Nia-or, at least no words that didn't leave him red with embarrassment. So bubbly and full of life and... perfect. Nia was perfect. Despite her flaws and his better judgment, he couldn't help thinking it.

Before, he'd wanted a perfect life of normality. Watching others get into adventures and trouble was enough for him. He had enough bad luck without going looking for it. But, the more time he spent around Nia, who wanted to do everything, be everywhere and know everyone at the exact same time, he'd found he was enjoying himself. Every moment spent with her was a moment he couldn't regret. Maybe that's what Kamina had meant when he was talking about that magazine article. About living a life day by day and never regretting a second of it. About surpassing the impossible and kicking reason to the curb, too.

And that's why, when he stood again, and went to Nia, he grinned as she took his hand in her own, and his heart skipped a beat. So long as they were together, nothing would be able to stop them.


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