Reviews of sorts

Jun 02, 2005 10:41

I was going to review the season finale of Lost, but there really isn't much to say.
I really hate when TV shows use children in abduction plots. And to have two children abducted in one episode does not make me happy. Which explains why it made my blood run cold to see Walt kidnapped even though he's probably one of my least favorite characters. Aside from that, nothing really happened. I can't believe they thought they needed two hours in order to show all this lack of action. I fast-forwarded through some of it, and even on hi-speed the Hurley bits at the airport went on too long.

I'll be tuning in next season, but this is definitely not the same show I started watching.

Oh yeah, and Sawyer? He better not be dead. Same goes with Jin.

It's interesting that Veronica Mars will be up against Lost next year. It's unfortunate too since those two are the only shows I have any remote interest in watching. I've only seen a couple of episodes of VM, but I think repeats are starting soon so I plan to try to get into the show.

And now, for Star Wars.
I really enjoyed it, and to be honest, it makes me have somewhat softer feelings towards the other prequels. Still, it wasn't without flaws. The first half hour or so just seemed so unnecessary. But once it got going, it was a really good show.

The other major flaw would have to be Padme's death. I knew how she died in advance, but it didn't make her death any less stupid when I finally saw it. Bad and uncreative writing. Along with that, most of the Anakin/Padme scenes. How old are they supposed to be here? 12? I know they're certainly not the most mature adults in the world (well, Anakin at least) but still..their scenes were just painful to watch.

Enough of the negatives. One of my favorite things that doesn't get mentioned much is Anakin's jealousy about Obi-Wan and Padme. They were so totally having an affair. Notice how she pretends not to catch on to Anakin's hints about the affair? Guilty wife, right there! I really hope someone writes some fic to that effect. I rarely like conventional couples, and the fact that I don't care for Padme/Anakin is just another example. It all depends on the writing. And Padme/Anakin will not go down in history as one of the best written couples. To be fair, I liked them more this time around then in AOTC.

Fantastic show, and I think I'll catch it again sometime soon. And that's really just a short review, I'm sure I'll be ranting about the subject again soon.
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