So, I haven't exactly been good at keeping up with posting to the journal. That's okay, though... I don't mind it so much. I've been continuing the trend of wasting time by playing computer games. Lately it's been the Neverwinter Nights expansion packs. That's a somewhat trivial detail, though.
In other news:
- I really enjoyed the Keys. The entire trip was unscheduled and we simply did things as we saw fit. Very nice.
- The car is now paid off. I sent a rather painful sum to VW, which totally ravaged my bank account. I should get the title in a couple of weeks.
- I'm renewing structured programming skills. I've been so used to programming in Perl where everything is so laid back and do-it-however-you-like that classes, objects, and structure are a bit odd. I'm enjoying it, though.
- Yet another trip coming up. Along with two others, I'll be driving down to visit jennybaxter this weekend. Much fun shall be had.
- I'm still a dork.
Ah well. It's past my bedtime. I should get to sleep ... or something. What I should not do is start playing NWN. That much is certain.