When I turned 18 years old it was the year 2000. My adult life started in the new millenium. A year later it would become a different world again and I would develop an egotistical, cynical, jaded and distrustful world view.
My favorite band, Tool, released a new album in 2001 that was full of raising consciousness, raising awareness, acknowledging spirit, the fact we are more than flesh and blood creatures, and funky groovy sounds. I absolutely loved the album and felt incredibly connected to many of the songs. Then the 9/11 terrorist attack happened.
I knew everything was changing, right away. But I sure didn’t want or anticipate things to change like they did. The amount of fear and hate, that stuff that we still have rampant now. Well, it was very fresh back then, for me. And sadness. The sadness was a thing I was used to, but that didn’t make anything better. Countless people were effected. The world grieved. We went to “endless war.”
I always believed that the terrorist attack was allowed to happen. It didn’t make sense to me that we, the bestest and smartest and brightest nation ever, could be so stupid to not see such a devistating attack coming. Now, I’m not so sure. I think we could have done our best, as a nation, to have avoided it, and it still happened. I also still think it’s possible it was allowed to happen and could have been prevented. It’s been only recently I’ve come around to the idea it maybe wasn’t exactly a thing we knew about and let happen in a horribly manipulatively and malicious way.
I thought the entire world was going to listen to the new Tool album and we were all going to ascend together into whatever comes next. We were going to embrace the random possibilities of the future together with arms open and filled with love. But we got hijacked jets into buildings and then tears and bombs for the next however long.
My Grandpa was a fan of the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. And he showed it to me when I was a kid. I didn’t understand anything, and I remember thinking a space suit looked like a ninja turtle. As the year 2000 approached, there was fear of a Y2K computer virus. But then lickity split, we were in 2001. And there wasn’t anything magical that launched us there from the year 2000. Whatever dreams the movie advertised, and my Grandpa maybe thought, did not come true then. But there was the semi-spiritual album from my favorite band. It was like a consolation prize from the universe.
That was dashed away with the attack though. The bottom line with my feelings afterwards was just complete devastation. I didn’t want more violence. I didn’t want war. And so many people invoking God turned my belief in any form of religious God completely off. There was no God and if 9/11 wasn’t proof then our behavior afterwards was proof.
What I’m trying to get at here is I had some very positive stuff inside of me that I wanted to express. I was confused about a lot, but I was able to remain true to whatever I thought of myself at the time. And that was going in the direction of there being more than meets the eye in this world. Some kind of sixth sense was real. Hell, the TV show The X-Files basically proved that aliens were real. ButI ended up believing all of that was fiction after 9/11. If there was a God this never would have happened. This happened so that meant there was no God. Maybe there was a collective consciousness though. But no aliens. Basically I thought if there was an omnipotent, omnipresent being this terrible thing never would have happened.
This terrible thing that happened did a good job of taking as much attention as possible. It wasn’t awesome spirit-soul-conscience conversations we were having. We were sad and cried and comforted each other and then we got revenge. Well, that was the spirit of the thing. It wasn’t a great spirit we had, but we sure pretended.
The closest I came to being proactive about something, or any form of activism really, was after we had gone to war and to do an antiwar protest at the state capital. The idea was to have red painted hands, bloody hands, and to chant “Bush’s hands are our hands.” That’s pretty hippy. A smarter than me friend didn’t think it was a good idea so I didn’t do it.
Our 2001 was not like the movie 2001 and that would have been okay, if not for our 2020 also being like our 2001 but many times over and on a global scale. This again seems to prolong the global spirit-soul-conscience talk, as in it still hasn’t been where it should be. But it’s happening.
Our time of living in the clouds in Jetson’s style homes is now. The right words get us all there. Then way more of us can launch into space if that’s what some of us want to do. All of it spawned from our manifestation of goodwill. A deeply desired goodwill. It’s been going on for awhile now. Cloud-city, baby.
We, America, ended military operations or occupation in Afghanistan, after something like 18 years, and before the Taliban even took back control the world was ravaged by a global epidemic. This is such a weird joke, and gets into the God works in mysterious ways mentality, but if you look at love differently, then it can make a weird sense.
There’s repeating things like this all over, countless cycles that individuals and groups go through. We are on a downslide, but it doesn’t mean we can’t catch some air and ride the wind as we go diving off a cliff. That wind, that spirit, will raise us higher to sights we haven’t seen in thousands of years. Yeah, those are tasty apples. We’ve got 2020 vision now and everything is just becoming clearer for everyone.
I watched this very long TV docu-series about 9/11, 20 years later. It was pretty great. It wasn’t heartbreaking entirely as it had survivors and lots of really powerful stories told. It also acknowledged a shred of national truth, the anger that we felt at the horrible thing done to us collectively. There again, collectively. There was a national rallying for a brief period. The brotherly love shown, for a brief moment. It was always out weighed by our anger and sadness. Everyone grieves in their own way. 9/11 was also the day before what would have been my Uncle Johnny’s birthday if he was alive.
To tie this back to myself, or my Higher-Self, or God, or the Universe, of the Eternal, or Light or whatever you’d like to call the super awesome healing stuff, instead of us focusing on that we got the friggin pandemic instead. And yeah, it was like 18 years later. All of us need to drastically change the conversation though, to something we haven’t collectively talked about before or a revisiting of a conversation maybe. Either one will work wonders for us on this amazing adventure to peak prosperity.
Here’s the super fast and easy way that we can change the world and bring about peace and keep everything exactly the same as much as we wish. This will involve some kind of Constitutional amendment or imagination. It’s up to you. It’s my previously mentioned money idea, but expanded.
First, all of us good ole Americans need to get on the same page. We’ll go the route of American exceptionalism, since that’s what the people at the top believe or want us to believe or we almost believe that anyway so we’re just going to kinda start there. We are the best and the greatest and the main reason is our belief that our God-given rights/talents/magic words can change anything and everything. We’re the best because we believe we’re the best. And by siding with Truth we truly are. It’s kinda the opposite of the Frank Sinatra song “Somebody to Love You.”
Let’s say there’s a billion Americans. We’re trying to include everyone here. Everyone born and alive. One billion Americans. What we do is we give every single American one million dollars. That’s right. From the government and tax free. That only sounds insane if you’re greedy or you love war or both. And don’t worry, there’s a couple catches. But yes, we give one quadrillion dollars to the American people. And the American people give back everything they have that is over one million. That’s right, your life savings has been wiped out and replaced. You can keep your assets and physical things, but if you’ve gone on an insane spending-spree after learning about this, you’re fucked. All of that freakout excess spending stuff is being donated if you’ve decided to be an asshole about this. You know the truth and so do we.
Putting a self-limit on how much we ‘earn’ is a big step. It’s a funny choice of self-moderation that we’ve discarded for various reasons. The ‘bigger, better, stronger, faster’ mentality being one and ‘dog eat dog’ and ‘what’s mine is mine’ being a couple more. These aren’t bad, necessarily, but they do obstruct objectively good things. How do you make perfection better? Why does the dog eat dog? What is even mine? Here’s the thing, nothing needs to cost an exorbitant amount but for various reasons we have allowed that. Basically, after equaling out everyone’s starting position, any ‘profit’ that anyone makes that brings them over one million dollars is donated.
When I refer to ‘donated’ I’m talking about the country. We The People. Not we the physical people. America. Because we owe her a quadrillion dollars. But since we’ve moved on from war, it’s a very easy thing to do. There’s trillions and trillions of dollars going back into America, back to We The People every day. And we’ve decided to use that to improve both our infrastructure and ourselves. Neat. And we will have our debt to ourselves paid off in about 500 years. That’s really not bad, considering it took like 40 years to fuck us this bad. Maybe it took longer. Maybe 2000 years! Wow, that would be crazy. Anyway, 500 years to pay ourselves back or we can just stop lying and do it all basically instantly. A fun ripple effect. It’s up to us. But either way, it’s happening.