today was good...

Aug 30, 2005 20:22

i went to first period and it was history but i actually like that class so it was fun,plus my babe is in there with me. then i had buisness managment and we didnt do anything except get on the computer so i listened to music. also before that class i was like 5 seconds late but i had to go and get a tardy so now i have detention because that was my 3rd tardy and that sucks so im not gona be tardy any more. well im happy today cuz jonathan skipped to have lunch with me i feel special. (i know no one cares about my relationships so dont read about it) me and jonathan are finally together and to some people they are confused because we dont know each other to well but thats the point to get to know him that way we will have alot to talk about. all i need to know is that we like each other so we are gonna try and make this work. im no longer with my ex boyfriend matthew we broke up just cause we dont get to talk ever and the chemistry just isnt there anymore. well back to my day at skool then i went to third period it film critism we finished watching that movie some like it hot! and then we started watching that movie october sky its okay. i really like that class just because we dont do any work! then i had algebra 2 with ms sung i fell asleep again!!! but jonathan did the sweetest thing he went to the door and got some one to wake me up and get me to go outside. and when i went outside i asked him why he wasnt in class and he told me its because he missed me that was the sweetest thing any guy has ever done for me. well then i stayed after skool cause sam had a meeting untill 3:30 so then jonathan skipped detention so he could spend time with me isnt that sweet? i think it is but starting tommorow im making him be good and he is gona help me be good to. well then i came home and i fell asleep and so thats about it then sam left for dance and im here writing this. its not like anyone i know really reads it but this shows how bored i am so if you actually read all of this 1st of all im sorry and 2nd you better make a comment!!!
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