NORE MORE CS110.. the world is now a better place

Dec 22, 2005 12:37

what I have left this semester (revised from a few days ago):
[X] Photo Portfolio.. still have to take a roll of portraits.. and make 5 or so prints
        - thanks to beth and meg for all those super poses, you ladies rock my world!
[X] Finish my AB Yehshoua paper
         -prof wants nonfiction sources too.. cause i was almost done before (ie 22pgs written of a 10 page paper) so why not make me do more :-P
[   ] Hebrew 250 final paper - due Dec 31
        -need to take trip to brandeis for sources..
        -prof gave an extension w/o me asking- score!!
        -trip to brandeis cancled and replaced by trip to YU and JTS
[X] WOST 212 final paper- editing it
[X] CS Final Exam
[X] CS project Testing page
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