Jun 10, 2007 00:06
Title: You Are
Fandom: SPN
Author: relli86
Rating: PG (a few bad words)
Spoilers: None
Words: 373
Characters/Pairings: Gen, preseries, drabblish, John, Dean, Sam
Summary: The three Winchester men on their own and together.
Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own Supernatural or the Winchesters, no matter how much I may want to.
Author's Note: Quotes are attributed to Abraham Lincoln, the Bible, Albert Einstein, and Father Theodore Hesburgh, respectively.
“You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was.”
You are tall, taller than the other students, most of the teachers, and the power-hungry principal who bears a striking resemblance to that troll your dad hunted back in Midland.
Your head sticks out in the crowd and they all stare at you like you’ll never end.
You sink into yourself, trying to hide the things you pray they’ll never see.
“Do not let loyalty and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.”
You are violent, hostile, prone to pick fights and cause trouble.
The girls stare at you, a mixture of desire and fear in their eyes.
You wink at them, the one that says “Come over to the wild side, baby. It’s worth the trip.”
Their cheeks blush and they scurry down the hall, further away from you.
The other guys glare at you, a mixture of hate and fear in their eyes.
You sit, eat, walk alone, but don’t care, not really.
You hold your head high. You have a purpose and they just don’t factor into it.
“Stand still. The trees ahead and the bush beside you are not lost.”
You are determined, obsessed, have been for almost twenty years.
Your wife was consumed by flames in front of your eyes, her ashes consecrating the floor of your son’s nursery.
You man up, build an armory, an army.
You will find this thing and you will kill it. End of story.
You pick up the freshly cleaned shotgun and place it in your son’s arms. When he grins at you, you grin back, because you know he needs it.
You search and hunt and before you realize it, your boys become men.
You look behind you and keep moving; it’s all you know how to do.
“The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.”
You are growing, thinking, restless.
You are loyal, strong, desperate.
You are focused, confident, reckless.
You are Winchesters, shared blood running through your veins and raining down on you from the flaming ceiling.
You are three, once four.
You are one, but not whole.