Jan 04, 2004 22:45
While i was in newyork i well i (hating ADD right about now) ahh yes i met this man who worked with blind people and he told me a very funny story. So here goes. (if you have blind friends this might now be funny. (if your blind go ahead and read on.)(WOW that was really mean Justin)(yeah it was sorry blind people.) Well anyways. Here goes. (Really this time) Ok so he was telling me this, "I was working with these two ladies the other day and they are both blind and well they'll walk anywhere you lead them as long as you lead them by hand. So i put them hand in hand and they took off. I turned to one of my co-workers and said hey look the blind leading the blind." I thought that it was funny. Sorry if you didn't.
Ahh yes and also i was on molly's lj and there was a post and i replied" (thinks to meself) "wonder what it's like to have boobs." So ladies i'm looking for what it's like feel free to help. (Please no pictures.)