i guess im just in a music mood i've just been listening to like all of my cds for instance now its time for my lovely mix of cover songs..heck yes
i am a fan of spacing my little random thoughts..thank you erin for that
so from sept 29-oct 2 i will be in texas helping open a theater for the corporate training team..thats pretty sweet in my book and i am honestely very excited about it..something new and different yay!
oh yeah and had the oc taped, watched it today and i almost wet myself out of excitement...maybe its an unhealthy obsession, but it could be worse...let me have this i know i forget that its a tv show and seth cohen and ryan atwood and the rest of the cast aren't actually real, they are just characters, but hey i still believe i will marry seth cohen and no one can tell me otherwise..its 3 in the morning get off my back
you know what else makes me excited..Harry Potter, even talk of all the sweet things we are going to do in the theater for it, including dressing up...and halloween is soon, i must say that i am loving this time of year
even though we are experiencing technical difficulties in the friendship department...what else is new, i am actually happy right at this moment