Dec 19, 2005 21:14
wow sunday was quite a day! IN CHURCH I REALLY FELT GOD. AND NOT THAT I HAVENT FELT GOD, BUT NEVER IN THIS WAY. it was almost like i kinda heard him. So i am going to church with my family, noone is happy that morning and i was just in a not good mood in the morning, i had a cold shower because my dad and sister used it first, so needless to say the moring started out on the wrong foot. I got to church and decided to sit with julie. Worship was probably my favorite since bruce was here. But anyways, god just pointed our the=ree verses in the songs we sang, but the way he pointed them out just took my a back. I have sung them a million times but i never really noticed these words, the were passed over, labeled unimportant in my brian, big mistake on my part. The first one is called you are amazing god. The verse in this song that kinda popped in my head was "you have seen the depths of my soul and love me the same you are amazing god", the second was from well i dont knwo but the verse is "the virgin sang a lullby" and the thrid one was from that same song" he he is christ the kig, christ the savior is born". All of thses brought out crazy things . the first one made me want to cry and indeed did bring tears to my eyes. It made me tear up because i have passed over it so many times that in labeleing it unimportant, i missed that for me thtat was the most important part of the song. I was just thinking, WOW THATS LOVE!! how could someone so holy, so blameless, so perfect in everway, love someone who is completly the opposite. I just couldnt fathom it.But the point was he does, there are no words that can explain why, he simply does. The second remeinded me of how mary was used. Mary herself was a woman of God. She wasnt the most popular girl in her time. She was engaged to Joseph, they hadn't had sex, thats just something she didnt do. She was just a normal average, person. Then one day God appers and tells her hey mary, your going to be having a baby that i gave to you. My first thought in this instant would have been okay why am i hallicunating, and my second would be okay, that was a really weird dream. But then i try and put myself in josephs place, and its even more astonding. i mean this guy had to have some crazy trust. Trust in god and trust in mary. The whole point of this was hey god uses ordaniary people to do supernatural things. Mary didnt ask for that and i bet her burden was really hard to bear, i mean she concived the son of man. She let god make her who she needed to be, who he wanted her to be, she acceptated the demands he had on her. What a woman. I need to be doing the same things. I need to let god form me, not be afarid to trust in him and , let him lead me where i need to go. I have been praying for wisdom, and maybe i need to test out that same wisdom. I need to trust that he will make me into the person i need to be, accept his plans for me insted of fighting it. Maybe if i do these things god will use me, and ordinary girl, to do something extraordinary. The thrid verse, just showed me the glory of Jesus birth. What an amazing day that would have been, and still is. Nothing was the same from that momet on. I guess yesterday i let church a little more intouch with the Christmas spirit and a tad bit more wisdom in tact as well.