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Apr 26, 2005 18:46

this is a letter i wrote to one of my friends in england it basically tells whats going on in my life!! God knows it is an excitiong one!!! SO COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!

the 30 hour famine was awesome!!kinda stressful but amazing! on saturday morning we woke up at 7 and then ate breakfast. julies mom was awesome and made up really good food. and then the fast started at 9 so we all went and took showers and then we got back at the church at around 10. so we had four hours to set up. so i got my sweet tiki hut all done and then i helped jul;ie and hannah hang up streamers. i got to go on a like 40 foot ladder and hang things from the rafters it was pretty fun. !!!!!!!!!after that people started comming and we werent all that ready but we finished up. we started off by playing some games and and then had some free time. this one project that we had was like four walls packed with 6000 hand prints and everyone painted there hands and put them anywhere on the wall , it ended up being so all the prints ran together. what blew my mind was that every finger print stood for a child that dies everyday of hunger. i couldnt believe that . it makes me feel selfish for taking all the things i dont even think twice about for granted, it makes me feel self centered for calling myself fat when outher kids are dieing of malnutrition at the same time and it makes me feel like i want to reach out and help theese kids, do anything i can, to make a difference in their lives. i think a missi0ns tripo is deffinitly in the cards for me soon. then i went and plyed soccer in the snow with josh adam and brittany. it was me and josh aginst adam and brittany. we killed them . adam, is one of those people who has to winn at everything. he like doesent pass the ball in basketball either, he was pulling me down and tackeling em when i would get by him or steal the ball, that might be just because he has had a crush on me for like 3 years. then i decided it was time to go in.later we went inline skating and that was awesoem the music was great me and my friend katie were pretending to be speed skaters and it was halirious we saww other ppl doing it after we started. and then i was dancing to all of thses songs, and i was like pretending i was an olympic figure skater,then we left. i got a fish!!!!! his name is greg but he died after one day i buried him in my backyard yesterday it was sad. anyways then we came back and got in to the bible. daves lesson was good. afyer that we had a prayer walk and that was just awesome . it was probaly my favorite thing that we did. i felt so close to god and i was able to pray about things that we really bothering me and always on my mind and i felt soo much better afterwards. i forgot to sday we went dooor to door praying. basically what we did was drive by houses and pray fior the families and then left a note saying we prayed for them. but anyways then we had the fashion show the guys werwe so funny. adam got in to this blue toto and he had klike spankys on ! too much to see, thank god he put a skirt over it then bob got in my sisters homecomming dress that was halarious!!!!! he was a hott moma. and corey looked like a lesibian, ahh it was soo funny. then we hug out for a while and then we were all supposed to go to bed and that happened for most of the girls a couple of us t peed the boys bathroom. then i went to bed and woke up to go to church. we all went and then came back foir the road ralley. me and ashley were on a team with adam,maria, erica, corey, deserre,heather i think and i seriously cvant remember the rest. but we got a late start and then we lost time because mr. o our driver like stayed at krogers for like ever. so we thought we lost but when we got to the resturant to break our fast we had won by like 20 mins. so we broke our fast i got a greek salad. it was yummy. then we came back and ashley don and i went driving. we went to dryden and saw luke which was awesome i missed him alot and tom. these are my friends for a long time and it was awesome to see them they live like up north from me. but anyways then we came back i got in trouble fro not asking and then me and my dad fought again. but yesterday my soccer game was cancelled from the weather and me and my mom and dad talked and i apoligised after like 4 hrs of talking and everythings fine. today was a good day at school its sucide prevention week, a kid commited sucide at school last year which was pretty sad i didnt know him but its one of those things that affects you anyways. then today cate ran us alot at soccer practice . not for me but the rest of our team was dieing. she was pissed because we played bad on friday. i dont know what to do! she says our team doesent have heart, but i do the defence does, we are really good defensivly, its offence that needs some work but i dont know how to get them pumped. they are really lazy and slow to the ball. i hope we do good tommorow. how was your weekend? i hope you werent bored reading this. its something im super passionate about i mean church and soccer. but how are you what are your plans for this week?hey what do you call a soccer ball. ? because you call soccer football. so do you say a football ball? i dont know just soemthing im wondering. i miss you a lot hope you had a good weekend like i did.
love ya loads
say hi to leigh and the family for me
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