Sep 12, 2006 15:31
Amanda pretty much skipped into my room and woke me from the most action I've had in months. I gave her heck and then laughed it up. Who knew I could still be asleep at 9:30am? HAHA.
Today is just... a good day. First thing after being so RUDELY awakened (hahaha Amanda, feel bad yet? J/K) I checked my bank and found out that my OSAP had finally gone through. That's a grant mind you, I won't have to pay it back. I was responsible and paid all the bills first. Now I can finally sign up for the Ryeerson gym, and reap all the benefits of what I just learned from my personal trainer...
Did I mention how awesome Andrea is? She talked to her personal trainer (she's on her way to being a fitness model), and he gave me two gratis sessions to set me on my way to proper weight lifting and cardio weight loss techniques. I was amazed at how everything he said just made sense, and the workout was really not so bad at all. If I really felt like being gung ho, I could probably replicate a good potion of it at home, as 90% of the weight routine is done with free weights and a big fitness ball. But for now, I am comfortable going over to the Rye gym. Thus, I may be melting away right before your very eyes.
School started again last week, and I can't say I'm 100% jazzed about being back. It's not that anything has changed about the program, so much as I've got fire under my feet and I am itching to get out there. I blame the Central Saint Martin's workshop in July and my recent trip to Stratford... especially now that I've had word from my contact at the festival and she says they do hire junior sewers. Laura and I are going to head down there again in a few weeks to catch a show, and I'm hoping I can have a tete-a-tete with this lady, and see what it's all about.
In the meantime, I'm going to find a way to cheat the GBC Fashion system, and make it appear that I am making a dress for Spring/Summer 2007 when I am actually making a dress for Spring/Summer 1807. My super-sneaky drafting teacher from last year, Ms. Kaszuba, gave me the suggestion that I make it calf-length in my initial design and draft, then cheat and make it floor length when it comes time to sewing, or even after it's marked. I am beyond caring if the teachers like it for fashion sake, or about the school show. It's such a pointless and hokey affair for parents and friends only, anyway.
After a dismal weekend with the first headcold since January and missing all kinds of fantastic invites, I cannot wait until this weekend... shoe shopping, huge Mates of State group party, then Wonderland on Sunday with my fav gal Laura.
Now I just have to find a way to spend quality time with Johanna before she jets off to Brussels for a year..........