It is good to post again. Life update!

Mar 12, 2005 18:01

Well, I am alive and I'm not doing to bad either. The first couple months of my move were really hard, possibly the most difficult times of living out on my own I have ever experienced.

I started by arriving at the House. Here I lived with Isaac, Nate (Isaacs oldest bro), Jesse (2nd oldest),and Josh (3rd oldest). Plus their friends Kevin, Jenny G., Jenny E., and Brandon. Needless to say it was a full house and I'm not making a refference to Bob Saggat, even though we could have used a neat freak or two. The house was messy pizza boxes and magic cards were everywhere. The were loud partys every once in a while thrown by the girls. They even had a guy that was there all the time who sold weed. Isaac had quickly got down to business to try and get himself out of the finacial hole that his brothers dug for him. I had my own room and neverending pizza and things were gonna be all right because both of the Jenny's were going to move out. At least things were all right untill the eviction notice came. Yeah, that sucked. Jesse (Isaac's 23yrold bro) had the house in his name. He is quiet, loving, respectfull, and over-all a good guy. Yet his kindess turned against him as It was due to his friends that he let live with him that the eviction came. The partys thrown by the drug dealer and the two Jenny's ended up turning into noise complaints. And all the cars that were constantly parked out on the curbs were annoying the neighbors as well. Unfortunaly this had been going on for quite some time before Isaac and I arrived. There goes the plan of living in a house. It was a long and weirysome job to clean up and move out of the house.

Jesse and Isaac didn't want to live with Nate or Josh. Josh is the touble child who is always putting their brothers in debt. Yet he will never pay them back because he is too selfish. Nate has just given up on life. He is so far in debt that all he cares about is Magic and Poker. The poor guy was working as a pizza delivery boy and he didn't even own a car. He was borrowing his brothers and friend Kevin's cars. I knew that Isaac and Jesse need to get away from their brothers, but at the same time I knew that both Nate and Josh have eviction notices on their records, and would be able to make it on their own. Kevin was 18 and knew very little about living on his own. So Isaac and I came in and saved the day. Isaac and Jesse got a one bedroom appartment under Isaacs clean record. And Nate and Josh got to live under the combo of My name and Kevin's. I got to walk kevin through the works of getting your own place. Both of the appartments were in the same seedy appartment complex which we all call the "Crack Shacks." Yeah they were cheap, but they were ghetto. The first month wasn't too bad. We didn't have blinds so we put up a blanket so people couldn't look in our window. But we also didn't have a light for the main room. It was always dark, I guess that was good for Nate because he slept out on the couch. My room also didn't have a light, well the closet did until that went out from over use. Trash built up and stunk up the appartment in a matter of days. Dishes were rarely cleaned mainly because there were so many of them that there was no room in the sink to clean them. Josh and kevins room had the computer and the ps2 so a lot of time was spent in there by all. The room smelt of body odor and sex. Luckily the xbox was in the main room because I like to share and not have all the eggs in one room. But even that got old. It was a daily basis that Nate and Kevin would yell at people on line. Cusing and shit talking were a common thing. I could feel the anger in the air and It made me sick. I didn't have a job yet, I was looking and waiting. But I was running out of cash and I felt bad. Nate had asked me to use my car for pizza delivery. I figured it would add to the rent and he would bring home pizza. But I really didn't want him using my car. If it were to break down it would be me paying for it. I didn't want the extra millage and and didn't want to be stuck at the hell hole I called home. Between the odors in the kitchen and the other room, the constant yelling at videogames, the darkness, and the use of my car the only thing I could say was mine, I fell into a big depression. Needless to say my 21st birthday sucked. I had to get out everynight or everyother to see some of my good friends. Unfortunatly all I could do was vent about how misserable I was.

As time went on my sister had come upon good fortune. She was meeting guys (some of which are friends of mine) and she was getting raises at her work. She didn't want to leave, and I couldn't blame her. I want her to do what is best for her. But needless to say all plans that I had were smashed to fragments of ideas. My sister wasn't moving, Isaac was settled in his junky appartment. The grand hope that we would all live together in a house was gone. Plus I was running out of money. I had to borrow from my partents, which I hate doing. I had nothing left, NOTHING. I couldn't even find anyone else that wanted to move out with me. It seemed I was stuck if....So the time came to make the decision. I had decided to move back to California. I had told a couple people in Cali and was telling all my good buddies out here. I was getting to the last friend I was going to say goodbye two when something else happened....

Paul and Ryan are their names. I cant say I knew Ryan too well, but Paul is a good friend. He his the strongest christian friend I have out here. Me and him had made plans to go to church and go hiking and many other things. It was really hard to say goodbye. That is when Ryan chymed in and said why don't you live here. (Here is a nice little townhome where Paul, Ryan, and Ryan's mother live. Their previous roomate just moved out to live with his wife.) Ryan and his mother said I could stay here for free as long as I went to school. That would be the same opportunity I had at home. The decision was an even playing field. But I wasn't ready to give up. I want to make my parents proud. I want to make it on my own with a little help from my friends. I want to earn my sisters respect. I love my family so much and I want to show them what I am capable of and that I will wear the Snodgrass name proudly. I can only do that if I don't depend on them. I had a place to live, someone to go to church with, a community college down the street, my own room (with lights), and two awesome roommates that wont step on me. So I had decided to stay here in Colorado. Funny thing was the next day I was schedualed for orientation at Kohl's. My good friend Pez (my buddy I hang out with at IHOP and watch wrestling with) got me a job lined up at Kohl's doing overnight Ad-set and merchandise pushing. I moved and started work that week. And as soon as my checks started rolling in everything was going good.

I recently made a change of address and got brand new cell phone (303) 946-4241. I have a lot of stuff I still need to do, like get new car insurance, get signed up for school, get a credit card, register my car, get new plates, and get a Colorado drivers licencs. It's kind of exciting though. My roomate Paul works at Wellsfargo and knows a lot about finacial planning and he goes to the school I am going to sign up at. So once i get into college he'll help me get approved for a college credit card through Wellsfargo. The car stuff i just gotta spend some fun time at the DMV. But right now I am focusing on getting my insurance becasue my time is running out.

P.S. I'm making plans on coming in the summer to visit and pick up the rest of my stuff.
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