down under

Mar 10, 2008 19:11

Although I knew very little about Australia going in, it has somehow managed to be exactly what I (quite unfairly) expected. I expected an easy going place with picturesque beaches that could be the salve to cure, if only temporarily, most ailments. And with every passing "no worries, mate" and beer on the shore I think that is exactly what I found on the Gold Coast. There's just something about the rushing water, the breeze, and that sun-baked powder fine white sand that makes you feel like you're melting brilliantly away.

Back in Sydney a few days ago, I stumbled upon a dynamic and lively city that is the rival to any I've seen. Sydney uses its gorgeous harbor to its fullest advantage, highlighting the fantastic Sydney Opera House and framing it against the solid Sydney Harbor Bridge. Darling Harbor is as calm a place as any to sit back and have a drink against the gentle breeze and beautiful water. The fast-paced energy of the city rushes around extensive greenery and expansive parks, with gorgeous beaches just a short bus ride away. What else, really, can you ask for?

I thought Melbourne was cool, too, but it was only until I saw Sydney that I realized that in many ways Melbourne is like the jealous little brother. Without Sydney's scenic outlooks and exceptional location, Melbourne relies on its interesting blend of old and new architecture. The city has adopted a love-of-culture persona, with the newish Federation Square being its heart. It is more compact than Sydney, more touristy, and perhaps even a little bit pretentious (or maybe I am just being unfair to the numerous works of modern art sprawled throughout the city). Still, it is far greener than most cities you'll find in the states, with a magnificent botanical garden right in its heart. There are Shakespeare plays on the grass, Monty Python being performed live in a theatre around the corner, and an excellent public transit tram system. And having so many old, classical buildings situated amongst the new modern, artsy skyscrapers does help keep the city down to earth.

Next we are off to Cairns, completing the journey from the drought-affected south to the sub-tropical gold coast and finally to the fully tropical north. It's been great, and I am sad to think about it being over in just another couple short days. This is a perfect place to stop, and pretend, for just a little while, like all you ever need you could find lying on the sand, just you and that vast, unrelenting ocean.
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