Hello everyone, the name's Taku and this is my new icon community. To all new faces, hello there! To everyone that followed me at my old comm, good to see you all again!
The only rules I have is that you do not hotlink any of these icons. You don't have to credit me for any icons that involve fanart, but if you do decide to credit me anyway (or for non-fanart icons), please credit
Everyone got that? Good! I hope you enjoy the icons I have to offer here!
Bakuman {45} | Fragile Dreams {35} | Lucky Star {40} | Pokemon {35} | Sonic the Hedgehog {40} | The Legend of Zelda {40}
Koogy, Shiratori, Nizuma Eiji, Shujin/Saiko, Hiramaru/Aoki, and Nanamine/Kosugi
Fragile Dreams
And here I thought the icons I make for this series could not get any gayer... >_>
Lucky Star
Very Akira and Tamura biased
Mostly from Black/White + Anime
Sonic the Hedgehog
Archie Comics + some fanart
The Legend of Zelda
The Minish Cap + Four Swords, Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass
ResourcesDo you like what you see? Then please feel free to
affiliate with us if you'd like!
Note: I'm trying a new image server, so if there's any problems with the icons or if they're not showing up properly, please let me know!