Oct 30, 2003 19:19
Nothing is ever foolproof, ever. I tell you this because I've been tampering with perfection this past week. None of it has anything to do with my life, that is why I can almost feel guiltless in giving advice about this all.
It has occurred to me that people made trust. People also made loyalty. In turn, that means people created confidence. Trust and loyalty in a relationship will bring about confidence, correct?
While we should go through this like and take in what it has to offer, and take nothing for granted along the way, I feel that we must also walk to line of fate as though we were treading thin ice. Nothing is ever constructed of steel as it relates to friendship, relationships, or, well, anything.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that when you shake someone's hand, make sure you've got a knife in the other, behind your back.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that every person you trust is one more person that can destroy you.
I guess what I'm really trying to say is that absolute loyalty and trust DO NOT EXIST.
Of course this all sounds good to me. In a certain frame of mind, it sounds good to anyone, right?
If you go through life and expect nothing of it then anything that happens for the better is only going to be a bonus. This might make for a gloomy disposition under normal circumstances, but it is offset by the fact that ill-fate never surprises you.
I would implore that you just have a sensible head atop your shoulders but it's asking too much. It is better to try and be a programmer and suggest you just go about life in a certain way as opposed to trying to delegate your feelings for various situations.
I'm not trying to insult anyone by saying that, but honestly, most people prefer drastic measures as opposed to the variant; that being domesticated and rational measures. If a girl finds out she's being cheated on, she'll likely sit in a dark room, listen to dashboard confessional and simple plan, and contemplate cutting herself for attention.
This leads to another notion.
There are no more good people in the world. There are people who are stupid and totally unaware of their wrong-doings, and there are those who act heroic or righteous for the sake of maintaining some sort of image.
I can't tell you one person who is wholly good, no strings attached. No ulterior motives. I'm not, you're not. No one has a good heart, the world doesn't allow that.
Humans are so much simpler than we make ourselves out to be, that's my guess.
I'll even go out on a wing and say we're over-rated. Being human is over-rated damnit.
We're just creatures bound with the ability to reason and capable of deeper levels of emotion. Would these emotions exist had no one ever decided to act a certain way? Did emotion stem from some outlandish action of some caveman long ago?
I don't know. This all intertwines with faith and religion now. This is where I painfully collide into a mental barrier and I break down.
And of course the point of all of this is that I seem unflappable and self-righteous. I guess I just failed.
Anyway, congratulations! If you've gotten to this point, you probably wasted a few minutes of your life, because this was all written on impulse. It always is. I get some thought, it triggers this impetus to write, and I write until an erosion devours my brain and I'm sucked back into reality. A place where it is accepted that you don't think past tomorrow. A place where pondering human nature and societal flaws is absolutely forbidden. We built this land ourselves, and now the deep thinkers want to break the mold and get the hell out.
Well too bad! We're mandated by this inpenetrable mold. Deal with it. I'm working on it.