Vid: No One Sees What We Have

Nov 29, 2012 12:47

Vidder:  reliand
Title: Nobody Sees What We Have
Song: Nobody Sees
Artist: Powderfinger
Warnings: spoilers thru 4x07
Pairings: Damon/Elena 
Summary: This is about a boy and a girl finding each other...about how much he protects her and how she makes him feel. It's about touching and taking glimpses of each other, and just being in each other's space, and how nobody sees all this love between them.
Length: 3:58
Size: 178MB
Links: youtube  ||  download 
V/N: My wonderful and darling Mel said something about Damon and Elena having such sexy intense scenes. How even their eyesex is more beautiful to watch then a sex scene with that other brother. This is that vid but with a lot more angst.

vid, the vampire diaries

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