Jan 19, 2017 15:23
9:53am - Man my sleep schedule is so confused lately. Even with my little medicine box reminder it's hard to tell if I should be taking my morning or evening medicines at any given time. I keep falling asleep unexpectedly. But I'm awake now, I've played for a little while, and now I feel like working again. So, back to translating and combining two rulesets with my own ideas to make a unique game.
10:25am - Robby's awoken and he's watching TFS Plays Batman, the telltale games series. It's really distracting. So, I'm going to go lay down again. We'll see what happens from there.
1:38pm - Well I successfully laid down and slept until Rob went to work. Now I barely feel like working, and I kind of want to go shopping for a few things. But I also kinda don't. I'm very conflicted.
Personally I still feel kind of awkward ripping up the Pathfinder rulebooks and taking most of it and calling it my own. I don't know how to start from scratch with something like that though. ^.^;;
3:21pm - I finally got through all the rules for combat in Pathfinder. Stripped out a lot of the rules, simplified some of them for the limitations of my game. Next I'll have to do the character generation and progression rules. That'll be complex for reasons I'll explain when I sit down to do it.
For now, I'm going to do that shopping I mentioned.