Feb 03, 2012 00:39
Huxley turned my brain back on after society implanted a giant reducing valve into my brain. All my data I collect through sensory organs has been reduced into relevant words. I've been inspired to create a wordless piece of music about "the reducing valve." Huxley writes about how we humans reduce our data into words and even simpler than words; we reduce data into words associate with emotions conditioned by society. I haven't written in a while so please forgive my poor and somewhat even maniacal articulation. I want to use my WMD bit crusher in a unique way. I don't have all my equipment with me so I though I'd keep the cranks turning in my brain by writing about it. The Reducing Valve with be a melody. It will remain consistent in melody, but it will vary textural as it progresses. Sounds will get reduced as they pass through the melody. It's too early to give "reduced" a definite meaning. I'd like for it to damage the flowing sounds at interesting points. I want some sort of pattern, but of course nothing too obvious. I want part of the melody to be most reducing. The reducing valve will reduce a lot harder at D#. Just a sloppy example. The reducing valve should function as if it were a cleaning machine. I'm imagining a vacuum now. Perhaps all the sounds could be samples from things that reduce. Vacuum cleaners reduce the pollutants from your carpet. I'd like to sample the muffin machine swallowing loaded hard drives or even whole PCs.