bliggity blam

Sep 30, 2003 02:20

i got a haircut. i like it, this older woman at work said i was sexy and shit. i greased it up this morning for work all greaser style and shit and every single person i delivered to made a referance to elvis. like he was the only person in the world to have a haircut like this. bitches. so yeah i cut the devil lock off, well sarah did, i dont think she wanted to. whatever i like it and i dont have hair all up in my face. suck it dry.

i trained a guy at work today, it was wierd. he's like 50 and delivering food. i couldnt blast my death metal and shit. but i did smoke on all my deliveries like i always do, i dont give a shit it's my car i didnt want to train him anyway damn it he can deal with it. i dont think he liked that, muhahaha. he talked too much. especially to customers when i was trying to get my shit done and get outta there. he stopped everybody at the bank from working like "hey everybody! i just want all of you to have a sun shiny day! take care." what the fuck everyone was like "uh ok" the name of our place is sunshine garden cafe, so that made what he said even lamer. then after i sold the food and everything at this one place he asked the lady what all they do at hospices and they had a ten minute conversation. god damn it you're susposed to be fast, more delveries = more money. stupidass slowed me down all day but at least he'll be slow on the job so i'll have more deliveries. he also doesnt his way around for shit and he wouldnt stop talking long enough for me to show him places on the way. so he'll also get lost but fuck it. im sure no one really cares about how stupid this guy is but i had to deal with it all day.

me and nathan attempted to have a band practice and the nneighbors called the cops on us. what the hell? you can walk over to our door and tell us it's too loud. fucking bitch. so we're going to sound proof the living room with egg crate foam. god damn it that pissed us off really bad.

i went to my mom's house to stay the night and watch the dogs and shit. it's cool im all by myself and sometimes i need to be. i feel like im on vacation from everyone. it rules. gta3 for hours.

everything is going great for me lately

the bands are starting to go better, me and nathan wrote 3 badass songs and NWB now has a practide space
money situation is going alright
my car rules ass
we rearranged the house and it rules, my room kicks major ass now
but most of all i have the best girlfriend ever, except her hair now apparently but that doesnt matter, at least she has hair. she said she tried to dye it a different color and it turned out wierd, but it'l be like that for a week, i dunno i havent seen it, but my hair still rules so it's ok.
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