Arg! Post of upset!

Feb 06, 2016 22:01

So, I just want to vent and husband just doesn't fully understand my frustration... So, read or skip - I totally understand.

Finally, FINALLY, getting around to watching the newest Sherlock I recorded from PBS (because I am a good person and did not watch without husband). Yes, we finally had an evening that we were both home, awake, were willing to be awake for another hour and a half, and did not have to get up early the following morning (hence, the willingness to stay awake).

So, I go to start what the TV listing and DVR clearly lists as Sherlock: the Abominable Bride, only to find some modern dance/concert thing.

I know that in the grand scheme of things that this is a very minor annoyance, but right now, I am super annoyed and frustrated!

End ranty post of ranting :(
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