A wondering about "Two Minutes to Midnight" and a what-do-you-think about the finale...
When Dean and Crowley first stepped out of the Impala to look for Death, Crowley asks Dean if he wants to go for pizza - apparently having heard the stuff is tasty. Am I the only one left wondering if that was Death's doing? Was he trying to covertly call out for Dean? Death, himself, says that he could not go to Dean and had to wait for Dean to catch up... going as far as to repeat how good the pizza is.
Did I catch a well-placed clue or am I reading too much into it all? Perhaps one of the writers has it on good authority that there is no pizza in the afterlife and we must all partake in the slendor while we can.
And now for the what-do-you-think... Anyone else wondering if Bobby and Dean are going to tell Sam that the Death-ring mission was a success? If the plan B is for Sam to say 'yes' to Lucifer, is it really in their best interest to let him know that they have a weapon against him? I am pretty sure Lucifer can absorb all the memories of his host, even before he pops in - how else does he con them into saying 'yes'? Anyway, just a thought...
One last thing - for all you Leverage fans out there... Is it me or are Crowley and Sterling cut from the same cloth? I mean, sure they are the same actor, but the two characters seem pretty interchangable. Don't get me wrong, I think Mark Sheppard is doing a great job with eath character, but every time Crowley pours himself a glass of whiskey (?) I think to myself, "Oh Sterling, you magnificent bastard!"
Sorry if any of these thoughts have already been discussed. I try and stay away from recap and discussion posts until I form my own conclusions.