"As a matter of fact it was. Informational overload caused by the sudden and unexpected merging of a Time Lord with a human. I'm Donna Noble, Human Time Lord Time Lord Human. Who are you?"
"Fitz." She frowned. She'd heard the name, might well have met him. "You're the Doctor my Doctor was before he was my Doctor, right?" Again Donna paused, mind working over her own logic to see if she had it right.
"Me with the Weasel... though I don't think he's quite the Weasel now though of course he's the same, I'm the one that's changed."
Donna grinned. This was looking up. "We must meet. I always wanted to know who he was before he was all ears and leather."
She paced the room, a bit less irritable. "The you after the you you become. If I have you right. I'm Donna, companion to another you and currently sort of a Time Lord."
He smiled. She seemed like a really nice person. "Nice to meet you, Donna. The other me-me might be more informative, but it's a real pleasure to meet you!"
"The other you, the one after, he doesn't talk about that much and knowing what I do now and meeting you isn't the same thing."
Not to mention she was likely to grow bored with her usual nature, the intelligence she'd gained and the fact that she and her Doctor were only a Zero room's effects away from screaming at one another. Just because they hadn't for days.
"OH!" She should have seen it. Apparently she was the only one with a Doctor that only had one version around there.
"Do you know who you are? I mean, you don't remember. Why not?" Was it something going around? Like what had inundated her with memories and emotions of things she'd never done.
"Ah," the Doctor replied, slightly uneasily, "I believe I was made to forget and then chose not to remember, in case in recalling I found myself possibly not existing." All a very nice way of saying he was afraid of who he might have been before the most recent bout of amnesia, really.
"I know that I'm the Doctor, apparently a Time Lord, and that I travel in a TARDIS with a man named Fitz and a girl named Trix, who I'm afraid is currently missing. It seems to be enough."
Donna bounced where she stood, though she was the only one to see her excitement.
"That's what I'm tying to avoid. I don't want to forget who I am and my Doctor and all but if I don't find another way, it's that or my brain short circuiting due to too much knowledge for a human. See? I am a Time Lord. You and I are alike in that!"
She might be yelling, and gesturing. But he can only hear her, thankfully.
The Doctor smiled, not minding the shouting and picking up on her enthusiasm. "I suppose we are at that! How do you find it, then, being a Time Lord? Enjoying it, beyond the threat of brain malfunction?"
"It's... brilliant." Which made her laugh, breaking it down to a giggle. "It's... overwhelming and scary and fantastic. I feel for y'all and I love it and I want.."
Donna sighed. "I want it to stay. I want to be like this forever... would I live forever or just as long as I last? Would the only Time Lord Human die with me?"
The Doctor's smile turned a little sad as he regarded the communicator, pausing to choose his answer carefully.
"I'm afraid, Donna, that those answers are several in a long line of things that I, personally, as this particular me, cannot tell you. Not that I won't, though that might be someone else's reasoning, I simply can't."
"I can say, however, that no one lives forever. That I'm quite sure of. We all," he took a deep breath, warding off the half-forgotten images teasing at his mind, "we all die eventually."
"Where you in imminent danger of explosion?"
Not exactly the best of greetings.
"As a matter of fact it was. Informational overload caused by the sudden and unexpected merging of a Time Lord with a human. I'm Donna Noble, Human Time Lord Time Lord Human. Who are you?"
"Merging, you say?"
"Me with the Weasel... though I don't think he's quite the Weasel now though of course he's the same, I'm the one that's changed."
He paused, trying to keep up. "Oh dear, the Weasel?" Was he supposed to know who that was?
She paced the room, a bit less irritable. "The you after the you you become. If I have you right. I'm Donna, companion to another you and currently sort of a Time Lord."
Not to mention she was likely to grow bored with her usual nature, the intelligence she'd gained and the fact that she and her Doctor were only a Zero room's effects away from screaming at one another. Just because they hadn't for days.
He gently tried to explain, "I remember very little about myself at all. Or anyone, for that matter."
"Do you know who you are? I mean, you don't remember. Why not?" Was it something going around? Like what had inundated her with memories and emotions of things she'd never done.
"I know that I'm the Doctor, apparently a Time Lord, and that I travel in a TARDIS with a man named Fitz and a girl named Trix, who I'm afraid is currently missing. It seems to be enough."
Donna bounced where she stood, though she was the only one to see her excitement.
"That's what I'm tying to avoid. I don't want to forget who I am and my Doctor and all but if I don't find another way, it's that or my brain short circuiting due to too much knowledge for a human. See? I am a Time Lord. You and I are alike in that!"
She might be yelling, and gesturing. But he can only hear her, thankfully.
Donna sighed. "I want it to stay. I want to be like this forever... would I live forever or just as long as I last? Would the only Time Lord Human die with me?"
"I'm afraid, Donna, that those answers are several in a long line of things that I, personally, as this particular me, cannot tell you. Not that I won't, though that might be someone else's reasoning, I simply can't."
"I can say, however, that no one lives forever. That I'm quite sure of. We all," he took a deep breath, warding off the half-forgotten images teasing at his mind, "we all die eventually."
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