On the not exactly far and really quite fathomable reaches of London, there was a Doctor, one of the many that were cropping up, sitting in a chair that was laid out on a lawn owned by someone he most likely didn't know and most likely didn't care about. His hands were moving restlessly over the sketchbook in his hand, flowing wide in large, harsh
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"Those are beautiful," she remarked, looking down at the man's sketchbook.
He looked up irritably, and snatched the paper from her grasp. "Thank you." he said, shortly, before ripping out the ruined drawing and beginning a new one.
She, of course, had no idea what she was looking at, no idea what the pictures meant and what they were of. To him, there were anything but beautiful, they were memories, and horrifying ones at that.
"I'm sorry," she apologized contritely. "I didn't mean to startle you."
"There's no need to apologise," he replied, a little miserably, unmoving but for his hand. "It was going to be thrown away eventually anyway."
Anna latched on to the miserableness; she instinctively wanted to try to make things better. "Why?" she asked, genuinely curious. "They're lovely. You ought to keep them."
Yes, well, trust a human not to let misery keep well alone.
He shrugged in response to her question. "I've no use for them. They're superficial. Visual interpretations of memories. Memories I don't need to be reminded of."
That made her scrunch her brow up in confusion. "If you don't need to be reminded of them, then why are you drawing them?"
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