Mar 06, 2007 18:57
Benton had just gotten off duty when he found it, a little communications device sitting there, blinking at him. It seemed like the sort of contraption that would belong to the Doctor. Certainly not the sort of thing that someone would just leave lying around like that. He glanced around, but it seemed to belong to no one. Deciding the best course of action would be to take it to the Doctor's laboratory, he picked up the device and started carrying it down the corridor.
Halfway there, he glanced at it and realized there were people talking via the contraption and what they were saying was curious enough for him to listen. It seemed rather important.
The Doctor was not in his laboratory. Neither was the mysterious Police Box that Benton now knew was bigger on the inside than the outside. What if the Doctor had left this important device behind? What if it was some sort of alien technology that the Doctor needed to defuse? He'd better take it to the Brigadier, then.
And yet, Benton could not find the Brigadier, either. In fact, he didn't seem to be able to find anyone. At last, he turned to the device and composed himself for a reply.
"Hello?" he said. "Is there anybody there? Doctor? Brigadier? Anybody?"
[v1] john benton,
[v1] sarah jane smith (new who)