Jan 09, 2007 23:08
This whole children business is exactly why I was saying we should focus on saving the universe and not shagging every other person around here.
Honestly, people. Please. Stop. Freaking. Out.
You'd think people in the universe never had children before or something.
The universe is ending, the world's a burning flaming pile of rock, there are Daleks everywhere, and I'm all out of wine.
Get a little perspective, would you?
Fine, fine, finefinefinefinefinefine.
On behalf of my Rose Tyler, I apologize for this message. It was rude and unnecessary, and apparently that's a bad thing.
I also apologize to my former self for my immature comments to him. Again with the rude and unnecessary. Just trying to look out for the people I care for, didn't mean to take it out on you.
Right, now, getting back to saving the universe, then? Yes?
[v1] rose tyler (1),
[v1] doctor (thirteen),
[v1] doctor (nine),
[v1] doctor (ten)(alt 4),
[v1] rose tyler (alt 4)