Apr 04, 2007 16:11
Well, things are moving along.
With more money, they would be moving faster... but satisfactory for sure.
To Do:
Be more productive: do more work during the day, work days especially. i.e. clean, reorganize, dedicate time to reading, limit computer time, dedicated music time.
Work on your damn car, lazy asshole! Get the fuck out there and do it!
Start thinking and planning for school; money, times, & information collecting.
Send card to grandparents in N.C.
Work on shirt and sticker designs, for real though...
Org Comp:
-Monitor cord
-Photoshop to comp
-v-scan old HD's, CD's; merge, reburn
Ukraine... what a mess, hope they come to a solution that is beneficial to all involved.
I heard the cern magnets failed their set-up test, hope that is easily fixable, how embarrassing if not....