May 14, 2008 12:54
Thus far, I've been rather spectacularly unproductive today, aside from going to my Presidency GSI's office hours and running a couple of errands (only about half the errands I need to run, mind you). I'm not really all that excited about sitting through my Phi Beta Kappa induction this afternoon, but these things must be done to please the parents, and at least Sepideh will be there to share the boredom (and my mom has made promises of delicious dinner to follow).
Other than having to run around a lot what with me graduating and so many people I know graduating, what I'm stressed out about most at this point is my stupid Ethics research paper (my Presidency final, while happening very soon, is something I feel fairly well-prepared for, and my stat final is next Thursday and therefore way too far off for me to start caring yet). But what better thing to do when one has a 13-15 page paper due in less than a week that they've written only 2 pages of than start re-reading Into Thin Air, a book I have read more times than probably any other book besides maybe The Catcher in the Rye. Also one of the most absorbing books I've ever read. Oh well.