PS 106A: Campaign Politics and Strategy-The Media Tu 3-6
PS 157B: Constitutional Law: Civil Liberties TuTh 12:30-2
Eith PS 124A (the nicely titled "War!") or PS 129B (Russia after Communism-not sure how i feel about the topic, but the professor is someone I have now and really like), both MW 5-6:30
History 8B: Latin American History TuTh 9:30-11
-I really wanted to take Amy Gurowitz's immigration class, but it conflicts with Con Law
-They haven't figured out the topic of Zook's class yet, and it conflicts both with Hassner's War class and Fish's Russia class by 30 minutes
-The campaign politcs class is supposed to be really good, but the fact that it starts at 3 instead of 3:30 is really irritating
-Summer school schedules don't exist yet, so i don't know which class (PS 3 or my history class) would be easier to take over the summer
-severe defecit of interesting-sounding "history of a region other than the US" classes, which is really disappointing. Mostly, I want to take Latin American history because i don't know much about it and the professor is supposed to be good...but the likely amount of a.) freshman and b.) the likelihood of a large amount of annoying, self-righteous PACS/Development Studies/LAS types in the class worries me. There's another class I could take (165B, Revolution in European Culture Since the Late 19th Century)-but I don't know anything about the professor. There's also a history class on the Soviet Union which would be a possibility, but again, I'd need to find out something about the professor, as I'm finally learning that interesting professors are more important than interesting topics.
I have to go to my 137C GSI's office hours and pretend to have done research for a paper on democratization in Zimbabwe that I haven't done any research for yet. One of my professors made a quip during lecture about needing a research assistant to read constitutions. If he was serious, i want that job in a heartbeat, but I'm a little bit frightened of emailing him and asking.