Apr 30, 2005 01:26
Alright. So, I just got back from seeing The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
First off, wow. I liked it.
Second, I've not read the printed story, seen the BBC TV version, heard the radio plays, etc.
Third, I now know what a Babelfish is. And to Ryuu, um... V. sticking one of those in Dorian's ear likely wouldn't make for a good scene. Though now Dorian can probably reference the story. Whoo.
Okay, down to business fer m'review. Having not experienced any other versions of Hitchhiker's, I can say that the movie in itself is good. As just a movie, it was enjoyable and humorous. To those who HAVE read the story or likewise experienced any of ther other versions, you'll probably bemoan whatever inaccuracies there are.
Especially if you're one of those purists who complained about Peter Jackson leaving Arwen's "HOT-SO-HAWT" twin brother out of the movies. Ugh. It seems what people want are 10-hour movies on-par with those old Charlton Heston biblical films that include eeeevvvvvveeeeeerrrrrryyyyyything.
I just read a review that said H2G2 differs from format to format, and the movie upheld the humor and spirit of the story. The movie itself is largely original, and generally if you have a favorite scene, it most likely was left out. But the pacing is its own, and it has a charm that remains true to the roots of it all.
That review was followed by comments saying that the reviewer was full of it, and the movie was crap.
Bluh. Okay. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but really, the movie's a fun time. My friend Tom unfortunately didn't enjoy it. He said it blew. *Shrugs* He even said himself that he "didn't get the British jokes." Weeeeell... at least he'll enjoy Episode III. I think we all will, provided Jar-Jar dies. I myself am not prejudiced against the Gungan, but I do think it'd be funny to see him get offed. I think he should be made a Jedi Knight. Then it'd basically be decided he'll die. Whoo Jedi purge.
But back to Hitchhiker's. Mos Def's acting was great. Having no preconceived ideas about or images of Ford's character, I can say that I like the character. The same goes for the rest of the cast, the President excluded. He's just a shmuck. Marvin is <3 <3 <3 though.
Having seen this movie, I can that I'll now go out and find the book to read. And I'll probably enjoy it all the more because I have good visuals to base the imagery on. Granted, that's a tad lazy, and won't have the charm of whatever imagined universe I may have come up with, but oh well. The problem with people who claim the movie is crap is that they probably went in looking for a book-faithful exact translation. Y'know, the kinda translation that NEVER happens? (With exception to Sin City, I think that may be -THE- most source-accurate film ever made)
What you need to do is to go into this movie with an open mind, expecting an *adaptation*. Things that work in print don't always work on-screen. Comic book movies of recent are such cases. Wolverine. Yellow/black/blue spandex works in comics, even videogames. On the big screen? Not so much.
Bottom line is that I liked the movie. My taste may not be universal but for what it's worth, my opinion is that it's worth seeing.
Now I may go play some Halo 2.