Saturday night dilemma....

Nov 13, 2010 02:56

Got an invite via fb to the Divas of Drag Holiday Revue. A friend from high school, a member of the Providence Gay Man's chorus, will be performing. I very much want to go but the girls from work, who all jumped on board with enthusiasm two weeks ago when first mentioned, have all begged off, one at a time, the last yesterday, opting for a "better offer" to a comedy club with relatives.

That leaves two options - go solo, or send a message to another friend, one who mentioned he may be attending and already asked if I would be interested in going with him. A friend who suddenly decided to end his troubled marriage after expressing feelings for me aroused while planning our recent class reunion. A friend whose company I enjoyed before this unfortunate turn of events but who will never be more than a friend in my eyes and to whom I have made this VERY clear. A friend with an obsessive nature who has a tendency to present us as a couple though I have reminded him repeatedly that we are not and never will be.

I do not think I will find this event nearly as enjoyable by myself. I go alone and hope that I run into people I know? Or do I see if my friend is still planning on going and risk perpetuating a fanstasy that is, at best, uncomfortable for me and possibly unhealthy for him.

OR... do I just say "screw it" and stay home alone again on a Saturday night.
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