Welcome to Rekindling Spangel

Oct 30, 2011 09:49

It's official and here's the official first post to prove it...

Spangel is not dead...er, undead!

Welcome to rekindlespangel!

We're dedicated and determined to bringing back the love for the pairing of Spike and Angel. Whether you like them mushy and cuddling or full of snark and bite, we want to celebrate their union.

rekindlespangel is not a ficathon, but a place where all contributions are welcome: fiction, wallpaper, essays, icons, videos etc.

Please note: This is our chance to provide a resurgence to our beloved pairing.
1) All work should be new and original. 2) No recs.

Moderated by cafedemonde.


Sign Ups for rekindlespangel start on October 30th and will end on November 20th, 11:59pm MST. Click here to sign up!

Our intent is to have a steady flow of contributions so we will have at least one post per day, starting December 24th and ending on January 31, 2012. If all the dates get filled (how happy will we be!), then we can double up on posts.

Please see the profile page for the RULES.

welcome, mod post

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