Title: Sweet Nights
Summary: AU, in a world where Angelus wasn’t cursed by gypsies. A lovely night in between Angelus and William.
Warning: AU. Anal, m/m, language, oral, sex, spank. PLEASE NO NOT READ IF YOU DO NOT LIKE GRAPHIC SEX!
Pairing: Angelus/William
Age: NC17
Disclaimer: Tomorrow is Christmas. If I had been a good girl this year, I might have be the proud owner of more than just this storyline. Unfortunately, I haven’t, so ONLY the storyline is mine. All else is the property of JW & co.
killedkelly Author's Note: This came to me as I was getting ready for work…which was strange. Inspired by
kidcyclone’s work.
Author’s Note Two: Was ready, but I’ve been having a bit of issue with the internet this evening (couldn’t have posted in the morning because I was asked to work overtime as well as my normal shift today). And then there were multiple problems posting it to this site, but I think it's sorted now. Enjoy!