Dec 15, 2011 15:14
Yup, I am quitting wow as of today. I started late TBC so somewhere between 2007 and 2008 I think? Why so late you might think, well I never wanted to start figuring I would get addicted, but then my girlfriend of all people bought me a trial version. So yeah totally her own fault right?
I started playing a human paladin and started exploring Azeroth and leveling solo. In hindsight protection probably wasn't the best spec to level in, especially in that period of time. Not only was protection paladin hardly a viable spec we also didn't have any fancy LFDungeon que.
So as you can imagine it took me quite some time killing mobs and doing quest inching my way to the max level. I started in a guild called Elysium because that was where my friends were. Guild chat was usually a lot of people I didn't know talk about things I didn't get.
When I was finally in outlands, getting close to max level, I started to get ready for doing dungeons. Because at that time you actually had to grind dungeons, then heroics to be able to do raids. Funny enough the spec I leveled all the way with was actually quite handy now that I was max level. Tanks were rare and good tanks were even rarer.
Now I wouldn't claim I was an awesome tank at the start, but I picked up pretty fast. Going through sites like maintankadin, wowhead, and tankspot. And before I knew it I was suddenly in a little place called Karazhan taking undead hooves to the face. Well the first night I think we didn't even reach the boss but I was determined to make it work. So after some research I stumbled upon things as crushing blows and being at a minimum defense number (NO! it is NOT a defense cap! A cap would imply that going over doesn't have a benefit but it did, more avoidance). So yeah, I went into my first raid without enough defense to avoid taking critical hits and without enough avoidance to push crushing blows off the table.
Oh yeah, today avoiding crits is taking a talent and raid bosses don't have crushing blows anymore. Because of course the casuals need to be able to play too...
So as I did research and get more gear from dungeons the raids suddenly became more successful. Suddenly, instead of taking undead hooves to the face, I was tanking an undead butler back in the time where being dwarven was OP because you could use it to negate garrote.
As I did research I also kinda took the position of raid leader, I was usually the one who knew what to do and guided people through the encounters and sometimes even helping them with getting to know their class.
The succes of this was really great, I felt like I was managing a team of friends through complex puzzles. It felt rewarding and as suspected I was kinda addicted to it from that point on. It wasn't all good though, we never did have a stable raid team and pugs for some reason always seem to be annoying. But overall (by the power of nostalgic) the experience was great.
Enter Wrath of the Lich king. At the start I out-leveled about everyone in my guild by far. So I started being a pug myself, and ended up tagging along with a 25 man guild regularly. And when my guild got to the new max level I started leading them again. But two things nagged at me, first of all I wasn't enjoying being a tank anymore. At WotLK paladins were accepted tanks but it was also a lot less involving and as such less rewarding. So I started leveling alts and doing other stuff, healing was boring for me as well but dps was exciting.
But this also made that other nagging feeling even bigger. The feeling that I was just simply better then pretty much anyone in my guild (to be fair I was also the one putting in the most time). When I tanked there weren't loose adds, I would pop cd's when I needed and rarely died. When I healed everyone was as topped off as possible while not going out of mana and the meters would say I did the most healing. When I took on the role of dps stuff died faster, I would be top of the damage meters and adds died faster and berserk timers didn't seem a problem.
It was of course still a team effort but whatever I played I just noticed that that part would then go much smoother.
So I decided, late WotLK, to find a new home with people that were performing more to my own level. So I applied to Golden Hunters, and because their name was golden HUNTERS I applied with my hunter (yes that was actually a reason for choosing what character I would play). So my dwarf became an orc and on my first of raiding with that guild I was at the Lich King (the last boss of that expansion). And I wasn't topping the dps meter this time, I wasn't even close ;) But my performance for my gear was considered fine and I was allowed to stay. And I was giving out advice as much as I was receiving it this time.
When cataclysm hit I switched to warlock, as I didn't like the focus mechanic the hunters would be getting and I really liked the idea of the warlock ability to self-heal (of course that would get nerfed more and more but I still like the class). I also took up the job of raid leading again, the ones who usually did it wanted a break from it, so me and two others stepped up. That worked for a time but eventually the guild kinda collapsed. I could give a few reasons as to why it might of went wrong, but I am not sure so I am not going to because I might offend people if I do. So let's just say sometimes it just doesn't work.
So the last part of my WoW days were spent in Vendetta Council with a select couple of players from the old Golden Hunters. And all was good again. But as time went on I kinda lost my will to play. The game just doesn't change, sure there are some cute changes but at its core it is still the same and I feel I mastered all there is to master. The only way up would be to take another step up and go into a very hardcore guild, but that has never appealed to me.
So for that reason I have decided to stop, well that and because the game just keeps getting easier. That and I really don't like the new stuff they announced for the new expansion, pandas, pokemon style battles in an oriental setting. Yeah I'll pass. So with nothing to look forward to, the game being to easy and the same thing, I decided to stop.
I might still pop up every now and then, my subscription goes to February 2. But if I do it will be to do some casual stuff or if my guild is short a dps and I happen to have time. But that would be all.
So yeah, I am quitting wow...