this is it in its enirety

Jul 11, 2008 23:32

I am going to keep this private to friends only for now.

but here's some nasty truths about some ppl at a-kon


There is the start of it. Matt never apologized or felt like he had to. I did send an email saying "I quit" but that was under the stress of nobody taking my side. Elin did email saying that she needed me, and I pulled my resignation. Well, apparently that is not good enough.

This is not a business relationship, this was a friendship, or so I thought.

A-kon is not a fan friendly con anymore. They are only out for the money.

The man, who I love dearly - Chris Simonds, who was responsible for bringing Versailles and other popular acts (that A-kon was willing to shell out the cash for) was also fired.

So, here it is folks. It's a lot and it's all junk. Cross-post as you feel you should.

If you disagree with me and hate the way cosplay ran this year, step up to the plate and volunteer. If you agree with me and found what I did to be a good job and also looking out for the fans, don't patronize them anymore. There are a million cons out there, including AnimeFest which has always been fan friendly.

If you wish to contact me, because my journal is friends only in comments - email me at

There is a lot more to the story if you want to hear it. As well as me fighting to make sure that the cosplayers get the respect they deserve.

Pablo has also resigned.

Anyway, I am starting chemo treatment today (yeah, the classy assholes decided to tell me today.) for Lupus with kidney involvement stage 3. Wish me luck!

To my friends and staffers, you guys are awesome and some of the best talent there is out there. Thank you so much for the great job you did this past year."

Oh yea Matt Hopper or any of his friends reading this

Suck my Dick

Yea it's unlocked and i will copy and paste everything here

Yeah... Drama on the staff head list.

This whole sordid affair started with this email:

I felt highly disrespected at con from Emma Mae's folks.

Cosplay is a high profiled event... and even though spectators weren't allowed to line up outside, we still filled the room.

However, nobody could see anything at the half time show because we were required to put them on the floor, as well as the awards ceremony... which I was okay with the awards ceremony, because they could be displayed on the screen by A-kon TV/Art Institute. Halftime show, however, had video to accompany them... therefore, nobody saw anything. Which will really help when I try to recruit half time entertainment next year. (Which I would like to just take that over, lighten up Jason's load, and I think I can find free talent who are impressive, think mini-variety show).

Of course, since Emma Mae's people paid us, they felt they owned the show... as I predicted they would.

As soon as the awards were given, the room was cleared out by 2/3rds. I know, I was there. Even with the people sitting up at the front of the stage. Niki and I danced to the one danceable song (others did dance along with us), but once Vic did his duet, the room cleared out even more. And then, one of the back up singers tried pumping up the crowd too... basically begging the crowd to cheer her on for an encore. She did perform the "encore." I suppose others may view it differently, but nobody can reasonably argue that the room was "full" by any means.

The only justification I received was that the band was required to stand their with their instruments while the half time show ran. It was amusing when the drummer and guitarist started playing along with the Para Para music. Those guys were cool... the rest had an obvious look of disdain.

I don't care about band facial expressions. I did find it odd that they were all going for the "gothic" look. (country goth??) Anyway, fashion sense is not something I care too much about either... more or less gossip fodder...

And where were the camera crews?? I didn't see anything of the like. All these lovely promises that apparently went out the window with cosplayer spectators after the awards ceremony...

At any rate, I felt that this disrespected the cosplayers, the stage crew, main programming staff, cosplay staff, and me.

If there is to be a band that plays after cosplay (because there can not be one before or during) they need to know that halftime show MUST be on stage along with the awards ceremony.

I do apologize for the cosplay running 15 minutes late. I will review tapes and see what needs to be adjusted. However, the judges did judge in record time, even with a Japanese judge (Yuki kicked ASS!! That woman is fast!)

Please consider my complaint if something like this is brought up in the future. Also, it would soften the blow if the band or whatever, would sponsor cosplay in some way or fashion. I'm thinking at least t-shirts for all cosplayers that walk across the stage.

Thank you very much for listening to my complaint and please consider me in the future if something like this were to be planned for next year.

Amy Fraga

PS - my job hasn't ended - fighting the battle on outside boards from people who think they can push us around cause we are girls. They do not realize our wrath!!!! MUWAHHAAHAHAH. Meri you have the ASS KICKINGEST TEAM EVAR running cosplay.

PSS - Big thanks to Main Programming - Matt Hopper - who kept me focused and made my life a million times easier.

MASSIVE Thanks to Chris/ Preach - who also kept me focused and encouraged me not to give up. I love working with you guys, I think we make up the best team when it comes to running cosplay.

Then there was an email following me up with this:

I have to agree with Amy here. Normally, I don't listen to country in any form. I was one of the folks here that had bad feelings about Emma Mae (not the girl, but the country performer).

I dragged Erin into the performance, basically, to see what was going to happen when our gothic, rock and roll kids saw EM. I was very concerned that there would be a lot of boo-ing and cat calls, but there weren't any. I was so impressed with our kids at that point.

Then came the hard part. With each song I listened to, more and more attendees left, shaking/scratching theirs heads. Erin left after the second song. I, honestly, stayed until the drawing and then I left. That was WAY more country than I wanted to be exposed to, but that is not my music preference these days.

I did notice these few things that I wanted to share. Whenever EM looked into the crowd, she looked at "her people" - probably the group of folks that came with her to kon. Whenever she verbalized her anime interaction, it was with "her people". Not once while I was there did she try to interact with anyone outside that group of people to the left side of the stage and down front. It was almost like they tried to insulate themselves from the rest of us kongoers. I was disgusted. She didn't win any points there.

Now she may be a nice, 16-year-old girl, but she certainly didn't dress like one. She looked more like a Brittney Spears wannabe. She wasn't cute, she was too young for that type of dress. Or maybe the wrong location for that type of dress. No points for that one either.

And lastly, the anime. All I can really say is that it was targeted for a much younger audience than me or my daughter. Much, much younger. And I really didn't see that targeted age group in the ballroom with me, unless they were in with "her people".

I gave her a fair shot. To me, she was disappointing on numerous levels. I hope we got a bunch of money from her and "her people". I also hope we don't see her again at kon in the near future.

Thanks for letting me rant. I'll be quiet again now.

I felt she was kind of harsh... but meh, she has a right to her opinion...

AND THEN this gets posted...

I am not certain why we are arguing this point again.

I am the person who brought Emma Mae to Meri and I am the person to whom you can rant.

But I am also the person who will not apologize for what I did. I brought much needed income into the Kon as well as a new anime series and an unknown-to-anime-fans act.

Now if this hurts your feelings, I say that it is high time you grew up.

Debbie Young

Pablo responds with:

So were not allowed to express our feelings on the matter? Were all just supposed to smile and take it?

My friend did not go to Iraq and die so we can be told what were allowed to and what were not allowed to say.

I'm not saying this didn't help a-kon in the fix it was in, What I am saying is I don't have to like it.

Not all that glitters is gold.

of course, I can't keep my trap shut... so... this led into...

I was making points for future A-kons... and what to do if the insanity hits again to have a concert around cosplay. Which, unlike your food kiosk, doesn't make me a red cent at the show... in fact I usually spend money to run cosplay.

How much money did you invest into this girl? Because I cannot understand your reactions to our reactions unless you had a personal vested interest.

I will not apologize for stating the facts about the situations surrounding the musical act.

If Meri where to try to eat a crab cake with green pepper in it, I would do all I can to prevent her from eating it.

(Meri's allergic to green pepper)


Aaaarrrrggggggghhhhh....Meri, stick a fork in me, 'cause I am DONE!


some wank posts about "deb does a good job" blah blah blah fuckers... and then I respond with:

I'm going to quote your original response:

"Now if this hurts your feelings, I say that it is high time you grew up."

Chris davis then responds:

*hands Deb a Fork* there you go ;)

I think the real issue here is not Emma Mae per sae but the fact that Cosplay felt like they were not respected by putting on a Saturday post cosplay concert of ANY kind be it country, rap, metal, jaz, Jpop,Jrock , Jmisac. Let's get off the Emma Mae thing and quit kicking an artist that is trying to break boundries and sterotypes and look at the real isuue please, Saturday concerts.

Debb you did a good thing by bringing in the paying gig. If no one else wants to say it I will ...Thank You.

Now, Meri gets into it... now meri's posts are interesting because she breaks up teh posts:

Of course someone can state what they think and how they think a
particular event went. Anyone can. But there are nice ways to state
things, and not-so-nice ways to state things, and sometimes some stuff
said here was just downright unnecessary and hurtful.

Amy Fraga wrote:
> I was making points for future A-kons... and what to do if the
> insanity hits again to have a concert around cosplay. Which, unlike
> your food kiosk, doesn't make me a red cent at the show... in fact I
> usually spend money to run cosplay.
Okay, now realize that it's entirely likely that in the future some
'other kind of performance' be it a dance, a musical act, or something
may follow the cosplay. Something always does. The con always has things
after cosplay. I don't know what's bringing this comment forward. Did
someone complain because things ran 15 minutes late? ( I'm out of the
loop here, I think that's not a bad time, in the overall scheme of
things really, I think that's pretty darn good) . The 'food kiosk' and
the "Emma Mae" concert have nothing in common whatsoever, other than the
person who owns it also does marketing for us and tries to bring
sponsorships and new things to the show. She has NOTHING to gain in the
Emma Mae thing at all, and I'm rather insulted personally at the
negative nature of that assumption.
> How much money did you invest into this girl? Because I cannot
> understand your reactions to our reactions unless you had a personal
> vested interest.
I can say with factual knowledge that she had NOTHING whatsoever to gain
in Emma Mae's appearance, and in fact it was quite a pain in her butt
with some of the back and forth of trying to deal with a group that had
never worked with an anime con and had no knowledge of what we needed,
etc. She did a DAMN good job of it, and brought something new and
different to the show. I worked with them myself on some things as they
didn't know about ad resolutions, banners, art styles, etc. Whether we
liked it or hated it, musically, that's a personal decision each of us
had to make at the time, but the overall effect was that we offered
something that No Other Con Was Offering, which we try to do as much as
possible to set us apart from every other show out there. And it brought
a New Sponsor to the show. That's not an easy thing to do in the
current marketplace and I think Deb is owed an apology for the comment
that she personally had anything to gain in the effort or that the food
thing was in some way tied to the Emma Mae thing.

Now, given what you've said here, if you were in her position, would YOU
still be willing to try to work on getting sponsors for us again if you
were going to be accused of stuff by the very staff you were trying to
support because a member of that staff didn't care for the item
sponsored? What if she'd brought in Dell computers? Would you be
berating her because it wasn't Compaq or accuse her of some kind of
shady business because she HAPPENED to use a Dell computer at her kiosk
but also got Dell as a sponsor (without knowing that she'd owned her
Dell computer for 2 years previously? Now how does this all sound?

> I will not apologize for stating the facts about the situations
> surrounding the musical act.
The facts were some people did not like the music. That is their right.
It is also OUR right to bring them something new that they MIGHT like.
That's our JOB, in fact. We have often brought things to the kon that
'didn't seem to fit' for somebody's reason, that ended up being quite
well received - cases in point - Pixar animators, Ren & Stimpy
animators, Babylon-5 actors who did stage fighting workshops that were
standing room only because they were just that much fun, Bruce Campbell,
Tim Thomerson, Game guests, etc. etc. If something was of interest, and
of potential benefit, it's in everybodys best interest to TRY it. If
some people didn't like it, that's their right, and that's just fine.
That's why there's both chocolate AND vanilla in the world. And the
girl herself was quite lovely and having a good time and the fans I saw
reacted to HER quite pleasantly (I did not personally see her
performance, unfortunately, as I had other obligations).

I am quite GRATEFUL to Deb for bringing this opportunity to my attention
and having a WORLD PREMIER ANIME SERIES as well as the living star of it
(whether you liked her music or not) was a darn cool thing. At LEAST it
was as relevant to us as having a Guinness World Record Attempt, which
is another COOL DARN THING that was done, but I'm sure not everybody in
the show liked it. There is no pleasing EVERYBODY, it just isn't
possible, for any event, and no way to 'not offend' somebody by
'something' at some time or another.
> If Meri where to try to eat a crab cake with green pepper in it, I
> would do all I can to prevent her from eating it.
And I would THANK you for it, not wonder what your ulterior motive was
in warning me (because that's what your comments are coming across as,
(as far as your comments toward Deb) and I'm not sure that's really what
you're trying to do here).

so then I respond with:

Did you even read my original email??

Then Deb comes back with, "Now if this hurts your feelings, I say that it is high time you grew up."

How would you feel if everything you said was responded to with highly emotional wangst?

Meri responds with

how would you respond if someone accused you of something after you
worked hard on it, just because someone didn't happen to care for it?
And her comment was to Judy in the first place, not you.

I tried calling meri several times... didn't go through... SO I reply with

I tried calling you, but it went straight to voice mail.

People are allowed to share opinions, especially if it comes to facts about upcoming sponsored events.

If George Bush paid to have the Japanese bands fly over, would you give him a 30 minute concert after the cosplay??

I accused her of something because of her highly irrational emotional response. IF this was truly a business deal, then why the hell is she getting so worked up because we didn't like it?

Then Meri actually reads the emails and responds with:

Okay, in going back and re-reading some things, I realized what I missed.
-The feeling that the cosplay people were being disrespected by the
band. Not much we could do about that at the time, none of us had worked
with any of them before, we didn't know how they'd take to us, or vice
versa. Emma Mae, her mom and her manager seemed quite pleasant and
pleased. Can't say about the rest of them, I had little to no
interaction with them.
-The band requiring that halftime be on the floor (which NONE of us knew
about ahead of time, that was totally out of the blue on ALL our parts,
we'd not heard this previously). I guess that is something we have to
just be aware of for the future, HOWEVER also realize that it may not
always be possible, if we want to bring some special event that requires
something more flexible.
-Amy had agreed that awards part of the cosplay (i.e. the giving of the
awards themselves) could be on the floor so that the band could set up,
didn't seem to be a problem at the time, that was clearly discussed
ahead of time and agreed to. Could be filmed by AKTV or AID and put to
the big screen. Okay there. She did NOT agree that halftime would be on
the floor, and that is where a rub came in. I don't blame her for being
miffed at that. None of us knew about that, and we all had to be
flexible and deal at the time.
-Not sure what the comment is about 'where were the camera crews' - for
what? the cosplay halftime, the awards part, the concert? who was
missing from where?
-I DO take issue with Deb being personally blamed in some way for the
actions of the band, or accused of profiting in some way from them being
here. That's a personal attack that I feel is unwarranted. You say you
spend your own money on Cosplay. Well, she's also spends her own money,
her own time, her own gas, to promote the kon at various events and
helped bring in a record number of pre-registrations and sponsorships.
She and Her Work Is Valuable and So Is Yours and You. We're all on the
same team here (or we're supposed to be)
-And yes I do think freedom of speech is a right that people are
fighting and dying for, but there is also common courtesy and 'freedom
of speech' doesn't give anybody the right to be mean.

Part Two:

My response to meri required breaking down her points:

-The band requiring that halftime be on the floor (which NONE of us knew
about ahead of time, that was totally out of the blue on ALL our parts,
we'd not heard this previously). I guess that is something we have to
just be aware of for the future, HOWEVER also realize that it may not
always be possible, if we want to bring some special event that requires
something more flexible.

We adjusted adapted and overcame, even working it out so the judges had to be moved -- which stunk because the other side of the audience is where the best vantage point is for the judges. But we moved them, anyway.

-Amy had agreed that awards part of the cosplay (i.e. the giving of the
awards themselves) could be on the floor so that the band could set up,
didn't seem to be a problem at the time, that was clearly discussed
ahead of time and agreed to. Could be filmed by AKTV or AID and put to
the big screen. Okay there. She did NOT agree that halftime would be on
the floor, and that is where a rub came in. I don't blame her for being
miffed at that. None of us knew about that, and we all had to be
flexible and deal at the time.

Thank you.

-Not sure what the comment is about 'where were the camera crews' - for
what? the cosplay halftime, the awards part, the concert? who was
missing from where?

GAC??? I thought she was bringing in the big dogs to film at A-kon? Here I was encouraging cosplayers to stay because this was a huge event being filmed... look at who's the dumbass now.

-I DO take issue with Deb being personally blamed in some way for the
actions of the band, or accused of profiting in some way from them being
here. That's a personal attack that I feel is unwarranted. You say you
spend your own money on Cosplay. Well, she's also spends her own money,
her own time, her own gas, to promote the kon at various events and
helped bring in a record number of pre-registrations and sponsorships.
She and Her Work Is Valuable and So Is Yours and You. We're all on the
same team here (or we're supposed to be)

I never blamed Deb personally on anything. However, you have to admit her response was highly reactionary... EVERY TIME we have discussed this on the ML. I can see being that defensive if she was her daughter. But for crying out loud, it's a freakin' business transaction.

I always said it was a bad idea, but I couldn't argue the money point.

But when it comes to having half time on stage (and yes, now I'm insisting judging be onstage... I only agreed to judging being onstage to help Chris and make his life easier.

We had a full audience.

She had 1/3rd of my audience.

I would think my points deserve merit because cosplay is a high profiled event and my name is all over the damn cosplay boards.

When the cosplayers crucify me because they hated the show (Read: they didn't win an award.) I take the hits and roll with them, because that's how it goes. I don't go telling them to "grow up."

Pablo replied with:

No one was being mean, C.mon we have all seen flame wars and what what was said was no where near the ballpark.

But the fact of the matter remains anything that was said that was not in support of the deal was responded to in an irrational tone by Deb.

Yeah i didn't like the performance, But i'm not the target audience. I admit that. I do however love what we do and love A-kon. If it's something that I don't think is right for the con, I will state my opinion on it.

People outside the con have long said A-kon is going the way of the crapper, and we have long fought the good fight to say otherwise.

Meri catching up, I suppose... responds to this email:

Amy Fraga wrote:

I tried calling you, but it went straight to voice mail.

phone dead. it's on charger.

People are allowed to share opinions, especially if it comes to facts about upcoming sponsored events.

Yes, that is true.

If George Bush paid to have the Japanese bands fly over, would you give him a 30 minute concert after the cosplay??

I'd give the BAND a concert, why else would they fly over? Would I give Sony a panel for frying over a Japanese band? Yes. And we have. Would I give NewTek a panel for flying over an artist to talk about CGI art? Yes. Why is that kind of barter deal any different? Does ADV get a panel to talk about their new releases? Yes. Do they sponsor ANYTHING for the show? No. Not a red dime, not a lanyard, not a goodie for the pre-reg bag (but maybe they buy an ad in the program book). But it's polite to do so as they are industry.

I accused her of something because of her highly irrational emotional response. IF this was truly a business deal, then why the hell is she getting so worked up because we didn't like it?

Her response was to Judy originally, not you, and was in response to Judy's comments about Emma's style of dress, the anime being too young for her or her daughter's tastes, etc. All of which were subjective opinions of the artwork itself, not comments on the function or flow of the Kon. I'm not saying that she phrased it the best way she could have, but I can agree with the feeling that if you don't like something, exercise your rights and just leave. It just might not be something to your liking, and that's fine.

The amount of her own energy, time, money, effort, etc. that she put into getting this deal to happen was a LOT, and to have people question and smack her for it

Dean Davis, executive director and brother to the stage crew head as well as Meri's husband said:

I'd like to put my two cents into the ring here, since Deb is under me. All of the points made in the discussion were good ones up until a certain point. But I totally lost interest in discussing those when Deb's personal ethics and motivations were put to question.

I have seen Deb spend her time, her gas, and her money in promoting A-Kon for several years running. She did a lot of work this year to try and increase our Pre-Registration, and she succeeded. Out pre-reg growth was more than 20%. I think that Deb should be praised for the hard work she did.

I really don't want to make her the scapegoat if there were difficulties with Emma Mae and her people. We all knew that country music was a gamble, but we have taken such gambles in the past. sometimes they work out, and sometimes they don't. Yes, she is a vendor, as well as a member of our family, but using the fact that she is a vendor to call her loyalties and motivations into question is highly unfair.

This is the kind of thing that makes good people leave.

I personally think that an apology is in order.


Meri, I guess responding to Pablo's email says:

They've been saying that since A-Kon 2. I guess that's why we topped
15,000 this year, because we're crapping out. I guess that's why
Guinness Book wants to do more stuff with us, why other cons (who shall
remain nameless right now) want to partner up and do joint events with
us. And also grist for the rumor mill is that I've turned the con over
to the guy who ran Shiokazekon..... and that I lapdanced in granny
panties for Scott McNeil... shall we continue with the silliness?

No, really, these are all rumors that have gone around, and they all
have about the same level of silly attached to them. Anytime anybody
doesn't like some'Thing', then 'Con X' is going down the tubes. We hear
it every year, and that's why every year we try to do some thing New and
Different. Sometimes it works (media guests who are grand with
audiences) and sometimes not so much (internet rooms we had for a few
years that didn't get used-in the years before internet cafes and
wireless of course). But nobody can say we're BORING and don't try new

Pablo replies to Meri with


I can't tell you how many time Fans have said "Well I would be suprised if A-kon will last X many years..."
I can tell you about whiny emo cosplayers who loudly say they will boycott the con and gain an huge following to join thier cause and vehemently slander anything and everything about the con and then when A-kon rolls around....they come anyway..

You are right we are anything but boring. I'm hoping we hold nothing back for A-kon 20.

Then Chris davis says:

Our two points are not the same . I was just guessing it was the fact that it was ANY act. but it seems you have a problem with Emma Mae specificly. You keep refering back to them.

Personaly i have said time and again I prefer that we have no concerts on saturday. That being said what ever the Exec board decideds and programms I will try to make happen. It's what we stafheads do. ;)

then I said

It is true for any act.

As far as Emma Mae is concerned, there were promises made that weren't kept, that's all.

Then I also responded to Dean with

I didn't accuse anything. I asked.

It's a crime to ask?


Chris replies

what promices specificly ?

then I reply with

Big cable channel camera crews, contest during the concert... those promises.

There were other plans, but those comments were made in passing and it sounded that those weren't as confirmed, thus I didn't take them seriously.

Then Dean (gawd is it fucked up yet?) says

Some questions carry an implication of wrongdoing with them. If I walk up to a man at a playground and asked him if he had any ulterior motives in watching the children, then I had better be ready to either prove my intentions for asking the question, or even fight the father who I just insulted. While not as severe, your question had a similar ring of putting the person asked in the position of having to defend their honor.


Then I respond to dean

I apologize if the offended party felt that I personally slighted her as a result of my question.

I would request that the offended party would be understanding that when putting on a "gamble act" as you all say, that the offended party would acquiesce the fact that we may have strong opinions AGAINST such "Gamble Acts." Therefore, being reactionary is going to get heated responses, as I have so bullishly demonstrated.

Emma Mae's people did demand things that weren't agreed to earlier, which was confirmed by Meri, thus part of my anger towards their organization. We did adjust because we are experienced and "the shit" when it comes to putting on shows and overcoming issues that appear at the last minute.

My opinion on the show - I didn't have a problem with her dress. In fact, I found it nice that she was very covered up on top. She's an excellent country singer, I really liked the pop/rock song they performed (after all, Niki and danced to it, several others joined in...) I thought it tacky that the back up singer begged the crowd for an encore. If I were an adviser to her people, I would suggest they go for another target audience. Arlena said her granddaughter (who is 9) enjoyed the concert. Niki (8) and I had fun (but the concert was just too loud for the young girl's ears, which is why we left.)

Admittedly, I have been volatile. I've spent a week defending my decisions on cosplay boards where I have been trashed personally (and physically threatened!) Fortunately, I've had a fabulous staff, who has been defending my honor as best they could. This is their first year.

I will take up for anybody who gives their personal opinion (even though they may have totally ignored this thread... and if I were someone else, I would have for awhile now). I think mainly that these comments should be filed away in case the same group approaches us next year.

I always apologize when I think I am wrong. I do apologize if she felt personally hurt by my comments, however, I do not apologize for asking my question. If anything, I am glad to know the truth, otherwise that would always be a rumor that is floating in the air... Now there's a confirmed response - rumor is dead.

they realize that is the only apology they are going to get... so they take it... and Dean says...

Hi Amy,

Thank you for that. Yes, there are a lot of good points that you have made, that can still be addressed.

As far as the question you asked. If you are asking if it's a conflict of interest to have a vendor as our marketing rep; I think that I can answer that. My take on it is that there are a lot of places in the convention where things could be viewed as either a conflict of interest, or as a point of experience. The main difference is whether a person can put aside their own personal interests to do the job in a fair and impartial manner.

If I may, I'll use you as an example. You have a lot of experience with cosplay and cosplayers. And you choose to be as fair as possible to the most people possible, rather than favoring certain groups, costumes, etc. I can say from experience that Deb does the same thing. She is highly experienced with marketing to fans, and that's what we need in a marketing person. At the same time, she doesn't maneuver the marketing to be of greater benefit to her as a vendor, which I greatly appreciate.


OKay, done, right? FUCK NO... I get this email from Matt Hopper - remember that name because it gets fucking better:

I'm a bit late to this party, but I feel that I need to get this across. Cosplay is an amateur event, meaning there are no professional Cosplay organizations or career paths available outside of ones that have nothing to do with Cosplay, i.e. fashion design, costuming for theatre etc. The music acts that are brought in are Professionals. This is their job and therefore they have certain expectations.

I strive to be a Professional in everything I do. This does not mean that I get paid and that it is my job, it means that I take it seriously and have the appropriate attitude that nothing that is going on is personal. Decisions that are made are not made based on whether the person making them likes me or not.

The bands expect us to be Professional. Cosplayers on the whole do not project a professional attitude. That is why the stage had to be cleared and once it was reset Cosplayers could not go back on the stage. They, the contestants, could not be trusted to act professionally and not damage equipment.

Until Cosplayers can act like Professionals (showing up on time for a rehearsal, having their music ready, accepting the rules of the contest without trying to bargain for each and every little exception, etc.) they will not be treated as such. And we will continue to have all the same issues that plague every amateur event.

Then I do the nipple twister with this response:

Cosplay had a full house, and has been for YEARS. Even at A-kon 7, when the power was out and we had to have the show past midnight... THE HOUSE WAS FULL!!!

The professional band that followed had 1/3 of that audience.

If nothing else, cosplay deserves the respect as being the draw that it is. I've worked with cosplay as a cosplayer/ judge/ coordinator for 10+ years. This "amateur event" has grown in leaps and bounds -- exponentially over the years, which is why some cons have auditions. Cosplay is HUGE in Japan. There are books published on it, there are millions of websites and little production teams. Sometimes these amateurs come out with some of the most fucking amazing shit I have ever seen.

Now, I put a lot of work pre-show to make sure it's a tight ship. You don't even see a tenth of the work I do for the show. I do what I can to make sure we are the most fair to everybody involved. NOW, if the con starts treating cosplay unfairly, that will be a problem.

Yes, I bitch about the cosplayers. Usually the biggest problems are one or two people who bitch the loudest. As much as I have a problem with those two or three people, I do what I can to make sure the majority (about 180) are treated fairly and with respect.

Cosplay deserves the same amount of professional level as everything we put on the stage.

There was a marketing survey done of attendees a couple of years back... People came to the show for #1 Dealers and #2 Cosplay. Depending on the way you read it, it could have been switched.

I worked with you guys and gave you respect. I expect the same respect because of my experience, knowledge, and the fact that I work with you. I expect that you also respect my cosplayers the same.

This year I had a brand new staff that I had to train, which is why I was rather withered by the time the show started. Next year, it will be better. But I will not allow them to be treated with less respect because they are "amateur."

Remember, these amateurs did pay for badges.

At this point I call up Dean Davis, and I rant. He read Matt Hopper's response and then let me talk to Chris Davis. Chris talks with me a bit and tells me that the professional acts don't understand the cosplay, which I said is fine, but when these deals are made, they need to KNOW that cosplay needs the stage for half time AND judge's awards. that's it.

So... I respond to Matt Hopper, and at this time some friends are over to pick up a lost and found item that they were returning to the owner... One notices Matt's name, "Hey, is that Mattchester united?"

and I was like, uh yeah (which I only knew cause I was reading the programming book on the shitter...)

She then said, "What room does he have to speak about professionalism since he was talking about sticking his mighty boot up the head of cosplay's ass."

I say... whaaaa??

All three people here heard it... so I respond to matt with

Don't worry, Matt...

After I replied to you, I figured Email was not the way to go. I called Dean and talked to Chris, too. I think we understand each other... and none of it was said to keep you out of the loop or anything, it was just explaining things so that we understood each other.

Now, what's this I hear about you needing to put a boot up "the head of cosplay's ass?"

There was quite a lot of other things said.

We also called Dean, and told him about the comment, he then turns the phone over to Chris and then he requests an email. I send this to Chris (which was directly from our friends' mouths.

Apparently, some of my staffers and one of Medic staffs lieutenants who were waiting in Main programming just before cosplay overheard three people saying something about 'putting a boot up her (head of cosplay's) ass'. One caught two of the badge names, one being 'Mattchester United' and 'FaeFaerie'. The third was described as being rather tall and older with grey facial hair and pants pulled up fairly high. The first two referred to him as 'Bear'.

I would appreciate it if this were investigated further.

Then Matt responds with:

I'm sorry, what? I don't think I said that. And if it's one thing I can't stand it's people mis-quoting me. Actually, that's second on the list the first is looking stupid. If I did say it, it was probably when I was drunk at the end of one of my 17 hour days on 3 hours of sleep. If you have a question about anything that someone else claims I said, please give me some context and I will do my best to either explain the context of the comment or stand behind what I said. But not knowing when or to whom I might have said this I can't begin to comment on it.

I don't feel out of the loop. Whatever I need to know will get back to me in due course. I'm not taking anything personally.

I replied with

Apparently it was right before cosplay. Two of my staffers and one of Doc's med staffers overheard someone with the "Mattchester United" badge, "FaeFaerie," and a person who could've been called "Bear." (The only thing they were unsure about was if it was "Bear.") They heard something about putting the "mighty boot up head of cosplay's ass." Also, they heard the head of cosplay being referred to as "her."

They further questioned these people, and the answer was, "Don't worry about it."

These folks would be willing to swear by their statements in front of a jury.

Matt hasn't responded. Now, it's late, he could be in bed... but what the fuck?

I haven't been this enraged in like... FOR-FUCKING-EVER...

I'm emailing meri about you (Elin - Sharing this posts with others) needing on the staff head list.

EDIT: Mike Battle said he has added you (Elin) to the staff list. Now you can suffer the waaaaaaaahngst first hand.

Oh, and the chick who sent the second email about emma mae? She has decided to quit. Fuck them.

Enjoy :)
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