Aug 05, 2009 21:20
catching up on my Total Drama Action - yeah Total Drama Island is coming out to DVD in a few days :)
Planning my renn faire birthday
talking to Bry-chan on facebook about Sailor Moon Cosplay... more to make...
finishing Ada... (ok so that's on hiatus cause I need money to buy the props)
sewed two Renn skirts today so Cas and I can has matching outfits for the 29th. (need to finish the dress part... I'm too fat for my pattern and have to add more panels!!!)
waiting to hear from Cassie about her move
watched oodles of Slayer 1st season - death to Rezo!
Played beach volleyball and SMASHED the other team - my team is in 1st of 2nd place so far! SWEET
trying not to stay up too late cause I got work at 8 am so I can play volleyball again tomorrow!!
going to visit Sara tomorrow after volleyball.. if I can move!
gonna suck it up and see Jennette and her HORDE of children on saturday ... (pray for me -hotake-sama)
learning to NOT go to stores that have appealing items to purchase.. that included EBAY and Amazon... damn them!
So that is what I'm up too - what is everyone else doing?