Activity Log
Signed up for
tcg_exchange, got Beloved 08, Dolls 02, Dolls 19, Gemini 04, Necro 19, Armor 14, Magician 01, Firearm 09, King 01, and Puppet 09.
Updated card log, got Straight 05 and Zero 03
Participated in
manga_battle challenge 02, got Food 02, Kibouhou 07, Light 04, Possess 19, and Reverie 08. [1]
Voted/critiqued manga_battle Junior League round 6, got Necro 05. [2]
~Fully critiqued votes in
manga_battle Junior and
Senior Leagues round 07, got April 01, Beloved 02, Ougi 03, Ougi 11, and Pluto 16. [3 & 4]
Spent 200 DM from
manga_battle and got Count 04, Rekka 12, Seisen 49, and Souen 37.
Voted/Critiqued manga_battle round 2-08 (Junior and Senior Leagues) and 2-CB, got Arthur 09, Beloved 03, Beloved 04, Ginryuu 06, Rekka 03, Traitor 06, and Witch 10. [5-7]
Reward for image contribution: Rekka 45, Seisen 08, Witch 03, Witch 15, and Witch 20.
Gift: Shoulder 06.
Gift from Card Fairy Number One: Beloved 05.
Freebie: Warrior 16.
Freebie: Seventh 06.
Voted/Critiqued manga_battle round 2-09 Junior and Senior league, got Beloved 19, Beloved 20, Drill 05 and Wank 01. [8 & 9]
Voted/Critiqued faicontest week 37, got Emo 07 and Sight 09. [10]
Reward for image contribution: Bride 18 and Loveless 17.
Level Up! Received Witch 19, Smile 08, and a C Rank certificate.
Voted/Critiqued talesof_battle round 2-11, got Key 12, Souen 45, and a B Rank certificate. [11]
Redemed B Rank Certificate for Beloved 07 and Beloved 13.
Cashed in 30 DM and a Giftbox (20 DM) from
manga_battle and received Witch 01.
Gift from Card Fairy Alpha: Seisen 24.
Reward for naming 'Knight' deck: Knight 10.
Voted talesof_awards week 70, got Rekka 16. [12]
Voted tenipuricon week 14, got Flute 14. [13]
Voted with full critique
teishoku_battle Battle 06, got Beloved 18, Duck 08, and Ruffles 04. [14]
Voted with full critique
manga_battle Jr. League Final, got Apple 03, Kendama 19, Lost 10, Lucky 09, and Shoulder 04. [15]
Voted with full critique
manga_battle Sr. League Final, part 3, got Advisor 19, Chopin 05, and Gene 20. [16]
Freebie: Witch 11.
Voted with critiques
faicontest Week 38, got Tensai 06 and Esper 14. [17]
Freebie: Pluto 10.
Voted with full critique
videogame_lims week 3, got Beloved 17. [18]
Freebie: Doujin 03.
50+ trades. Got Peace 18, Perfect 11 and an A Rank Certificate.
Beloved. Got April 10, Cherry 05, Iris 03 and Ruffles 20.
First Master - Beloved. Got Archer 11, Blitz 19, Brother 04, Cynic 07, Emo 15, Gene 04, King 01, Moon 11 and Warrior 12.
Redeemed A Rank Certificate for April 03, April 11, and Exorcist 04.
Freebie: Left 13.
Gift: Pokedex 38.
Level Up! Got Emo 19, Rekka 24, Swallow 13, and C Rank Certificate.
Redeemed C Rank Certificate for Cherry 12.
~Voted with full critiques at
animelims round 2-03, got C Rank Certificate. [19]
Voted kkm_itest Week 30, got Solar 12. [20]
Voted with full critiques
ouran_lims, got Colonel 05, Heart 10, and SOS 15. [21]
Voted with full critiques
icon_tournament Preliminary Round, got Boots 02, Design 11, Tail 12 and Tensai 01. [22]
Voted with full critiques
the_lbms round 1 finals, got April 18, Magic 20, and Money 19. [23]
Redeemed C Rank Certificate for Design 02.
~Submited an
application and three
votes at
tutu_rating, got Food 16, Forget 20, Key 16, Pride 11, Seventh 08, and Whip 18. [24]
Gift from Lost Soul: Strahl 05.
Reward for image contribution: Loyal 01, Sinner 05, Sinner 10, and Sinner 15.
Voted with full critique
animelims Challenge 2-4, got Horse 06 and a Rank C Certificate. [25]
Voted tenpuricon week 16, got Horse 18. [26]
Voted naruto_lyrical week 53, got Seisen 21. [27]
Voted with full critique
ouran_lims week 2, got >9000 09, Flame 04, and Kendama 19. [28]
Redeemed C Rank Certificate for Summon 15.
Voted talesof_battle 3-01, got Lancelot 11, Memory 19 and a C Rank Certificate. [29]
Voted talesof_awards week 72, got Blood 17. [30]
Voted kkm_itest week 31, got Albhed 10. [31]
Redeemed C Rank Certificate for Design 17.
Submitted an application for the December theme at
tutu_rating, got Souen 05 and Tensai 15. [32]
Five votes at
tutu_rating, got Locket 16, Logic 07, Ougi 18, Smile 16, and Sword 12. [33 & 34]
Voted talesof_battle Round 3-Challenge 2, got Rekka 19, Siberian 20, and a C Rank Certificate. [35]
Voted talesof_awards week 73, got Lolicon 04. [36]
Redeemed C Rank Certificate for Chaos 01.
Voted with full critique
icon_tournament challenge 3-2, got April 19, Flame 10, Rekka 06, and Sleep 04. [37]
Voted tenipuricon week 17, got Chemist 06. [38]
Gift from Aki: Witch 18.
Voted naruto_lyrical week 54, got Eye 11. [38]
Voted kkm_itest week 32, got Abyssinian 09. [39]
Gift from Kuroi: Warrior 15
Level Up! Got Booty 10, Cow 19, Nun 08, Puzzle 14 and a B Rank Certificate.
Redeemed B Rank Certificate for April 05 and April 07.
Voted with full critique
ouran_lims week 3, got Pokedex 131, Puzzle 01, and Seisen 18. [41]
April. Got Berry 19, Gemini 13, Ruffles 01, and Ruffles 19.
Signed up for Secret Santa.
Signed up to donate to Christmas Charity.
Reward for naming Branch and contributing images for Dog, got Branch 06 and Rose 04.
Voted talesof_battle round 3-3, got Ginryuu 20, Nobodies 12, and Rekka 25. [42]
Voted with full critique
ouran_lims week 4, got Dolls 01, Job 06, and Rain 02. [43]
Voted with full critique
icon_tournament Challenge 03, got Loyal 19, Pokedex 73 and Ruffles 08. [44]
Voted with full critique
videogame_lims week 06, got Hosts 08, Shark 13 and SOS 05. [45]
~Submitted an
aplication at
sorting_for_me, got Blitz 08, Hostess 13, and Oresama 18. [46]
Voted with full critique
animelims round 2-6, got Bite 05 and a C Rank Certificate. [47]
Voted talesof_awards week 74, got Loyal 04. [48]
Voted kkm_itest week 33, got Alien 04. [49]
Voted kouga_stills week 75, got Trish. [50]
Voted hc_icontest week 48, got Siberian 06. [51]
Voted xxxholic_still week 67, got Money 12. [52]
Redeemed C Rank Certificate for Sleep 16.
Voted faicontest week 40, got Brother 07. [53]
Voted tenipuricon week 18, got Kendama 18. [54]
Three votes at
tutu_rating, got Raven 18, Seisen 46, and Seventh 07. [55-57]
50 contributions, got Rekka 42, Straight 08 and an A Rank Certificate.
Redeemed A Rank Certificate for Wife 05, Wife 07, and Wife 15.
~Event: Secret Santa -
Gave Cow 19, Solar 12, SOS 05, and Souen 03. Got 10 shiny Santa Points.
~Event: Christmas Charity -
Donated Advisor 11, Advisor 19, Berry 19, Brother 07, Kendama 18, Money 12, Perfect 06, Perfect 16, Rekka 42, Seisen 46, Seventh 07, Sketch 12, Straight 08, Unsent 08, and Unsent 10. Got 15 shiny Santa Points.
Voted talesof_awards week 75, got Bang 19. [58]
Voted sesshy_icontest week 82, got Disney 18. [59]
Voted naruto_lyrical week 55, got Ideals 04. [60]
~Event: Secret Santa -
Received Lost 10, Ruffles 06, Souen 08 and Souen 20.
Redeemed 25 Santa Points for 5 Reindeer event cards.
Gift from Aki: Rekka 20.
Redeemed three Reindeer event cards for Ruffles 12, Ruffles 16, and Ruffles 18.
Ruffles. Got Esper 06, Tensai 05, Witch 12, and Witch 14.
First Master - Ruffles. Got Branch 05, Ruins 07, and Solar 10.
No-Cert Mastery - Ruffles. Got Berry 12, Gekidasa 19, Horse 19, Nfu 13, Shoulder 08, and Witch 09.
Voted with full critiques
animelims comeback round, got Eye 15 and a C Rank Certificate. [61]
Level up! Got Axeman 06, Cheezburgr 06, Doujin 10, Possess 08, Resist 08, and a B Rank Certificate.
Voted kkm_itest week 34, got Fashon 06. [62]
Voted kkm_itest week 35, got Duck 15. [63]
Shoulder. Got Count 17, Pitcher 01, Warrior 04, and Warrior 05.
Witch. Got Apple 11, Key 16, Warrior 17, and Warrior 18.
Trade Log
Traded Possess 19 to Riry for Beloved 11. [1]
Traded Firearm 09 to Li Lian for Beloved 10. [2]
Traded Zero 03 to Ishtar for April 14. [3]
Traded Food 02 to Rere for April 02. [4]
Traded Magician 01 to Rere for Woobie 06. [5]
Traded Woobie 06 to Iris for Beloved 16. [6]
Traded Straight 05 to Junny for Wishes 12. [7]
Traded Kibouhou 07 to Riry for April 09 and April 12. [8]
Traded King 01 to Riry for Cocoa 01. [9]
Traded Cocoa 01 to Kamila for Beloved 01. [10]
~Traded Light 04 and Puppet 09 to
The Shop for April 16 and Necro 18.
Traded Wishes 12 to Kamila for Gemini 05. [11]
~Traded Reverie 08 to
The Shop for Warrior 19.
Traded Dolls 19 to Jazzy for Beloved 14. [12]
Traded Count 04 to Riry forApril 06. [13]
Traded Seisen 49 to Val for Straight 10. [14]
Traded Straight 10 to Junny for Dolls 09. [15]
~Traded Pluto 16 to
The Shop for Short 20.
Traded Short 20 to Haley for Zero 16. [16]
Ougi 03 and
Ougi 11 to Neon for Magician 03, Magician 17, Rekka 24 and Rookie 19. [17 & 18]
Traded Rookie 19 to Riry for Dolls 15. [19]
Traded Magician 03 and Magician 17 to Aki for Warrior 02 and Woobie 02. [20 & 21]
Traded Woobie 02 to Iris for Rekka 26. [22]
Traded Zero 16 to Ishtar for Switch 18. [23]
~Traded Armor 14 to
The Shop for Job 16.
Traded Switch 18 to Iris for Magician 04. [24]
Traded Magician 04 to Kaneha for Gemini 06. [25]
Traded Ginryuu 06 to Aki for Souen 41. [26]
Traded Job 16 to Val for Loveless 07. [27]
~Traded Arthur 09 to
The Shop for Warrior 13.
Traded Seisen 08 to Chris for Necro 08. [28]
Traded Loveless 07 to Melissa for Phobia 17. [29]
Traded Phobia 17 to Li Lian for Necro 14. [30]
~Traded Traitor 06 to
The Shop for Emo 16.
Traded Emo 16 to Riry for Ginryuu 19. [31]
Traded Ginryuu 19 to Aki for Souen 05. [32]
Traded Necro 05 and Necro 08 to Neon for Souen 13 and Souen 40. [33 & 34]
Traded Seventh 06 to Kamila for Beloved 12. [35]
Traded Drill 05 to Shiina for Gemini 01. [36]
Traded Wank 01 to Iris for Rekka 33. [37]
Traded Sight 09 to DS for Beloved 09. [38]
Swap Post: Dolls 02, Dolls 09, and Dolls 15 became Warrior 07, Warrior 11, and Warrior 12. Bride 18, Emo 07, Loveless 17, and Smile 08 became 10th 05, Cat 09, Gene 15, and Right 02.
Traded Cat 09 to Riry for Gemini 18. [39]
Traded a C Rank certificate to Li Lian for Beloved 06. [40]
~Traded 10th 05 and Right 02 to
The Shop for Gemini 10 and Gemini 11.
Traded Necro 18 to Berry-chan for Key 01. [41]
Traded Gene 15 to Riry for Strahl 20. [42]
Traded Strahl 20 to Ishtar for Witch 06. [43]
Traded Seisen 24 to Beth for Warrior 10. [44]
Traded Flute 14 to Li Lian for Knight 13. [45]
Traded Apple 03 to Ishtar for Raven 02. [46]
Traded Gene 20 to Sherry for Ruffles 11. [47]
Traded Lucky 09 to Li Lian for Lost 14. [48]
~Traded Chopin 05 and Kendama 19 at the
Card Exchange for Beloved 15.
Traded Lost 14 to Kiri for Gemini 03. [49]
Traded Lost 10 to Aki for Souen 03. [50]
Traded Key 12 to WD for April 13. [51]
Traded Duck 08 to Jazzy for Rekka 38. [52]
Traded Key 01 and Raven 02 to Jazzy for April 10 and Witch 07. [53 & 54]
Traded Tensai 06 to Kamila for Knight 18. [55]
Traded Esper 14 to DS for Ruffles 13. [56]
Traded Cynic 07 to Riry for Warrior 06. [57]
Traded Iris 03 to Reina for Knight 08. [58]
Traded Cherry 05 to Aki for Souen 22. [59]
Traded Brother 04 to Berry-chan for Perfect 16. [60]
Traded Exorcist 04 to DS for Knight 06. [61]
Traded Gene 04 and Moon 11 to Iris for April 15 and Witch 16. [62 & 63]
Traded Peace 18 to Jazzy for Gemini 14. [64]
Traded Emo 15 to Belle for Whip 07. [65]
Traded Rekka 24 to Junny for Souen 14. [66]
Traded April 10 to Kaneha for Rekka 14. [67]
Traded Cherry 12 to Aki for Ruffles 10 and Warrior 11. [68]
Traded King 01 to Chrissy for Pokedex 120. [69]
Traded Blitz 19 to Digimax for Tensai 15. [70]
Traded Archer 11 to Kaneha for Witch 08. [71]
Traded Swallow 13 to Bon for Lost 02. [72]
Traded Pokedex 120 to Bon for Unsent 10. [73]
Traded Tensai 15 to Chris for Frown 11. [74]
Traded Pokedex 38 to Jazzy for Raven 02. [75]
Traded Lost 02 to Hikki for Whip 13. [76]
Traded Emo 19 to Belle for Ruffles 14. [77]
Traded Frown 11 to Suidorime for Ruffles 15. [78]
~Traded in Sight 03 and Warrior 12 at the
Card Exchange for Design 12.
Traded Whip07 to Kuroi for Advisor 04 and Souen 33. [79]
Traded SOS 15 to DS for April 02. [80]
Traded Design 11 and Design 12 to Aki for Shoulder 10. [81]
Traded Boots 02 to DS for Dolls 16. [82]
Traded Colonel 05 to Kaneha for Souen 24. [83]
Traded April 02 to Kaneha for Rekka 18. [84]
Traded Whip 13 to Li Lian for Ruffles 09. [85]
Traded Left 13 to Li Lian for Ruffles 02. [86]
Traded Design 02 to Aki for Witch 02. [87]
Traded Tensai 01 to Kamila for Souen 26. [88]
Traded Food 16, Pride 11, Seventh 08, and Strahl 05 to Neon for Ginryuu 10, Objection 15, Objection 20 and Whip 10. [89-92]
Traded Objection 15 and Objection 20 to Li Lian for Despair 13 and Ruffles 03. [93 & 94]
~Traded Money 19 to
Trish for Souen 44.
Traded Doujin 03 to Berry-chan for Unsent 08. [95]
Traded Forget 20 to Aki for Unsent 15. [96]
Traded Key 16 to Jazzy for Souen 01. [97]
Traded Heart 10 to Reina for Advisor 11. [98]
Traded Pluto 10 to Eeveelyn for Witch 17. [99]
Traded Unsent 15 to Berry-chan for Siberian 03. [100]
Traded Horse 06 and Horse 18 to Li Lian for April 20 and Rekka 29. [101 & 102]
Traded Ginryuu 10 to Saints for April 04. [103]
Traded >9000 09 to Cara for Shoulder 01. [104]
Traded Summon 15 to Saints for Warrior 01. [105]
Traded Sinner 05 to Bek for Raven 11. [106]
Traded Sinner 10 and Sinner 15 to Hikki for Knight 01 and Souen 32. [107 & 108]
~Traded Magic 20 to
the Card Shop for Dolls 19.
Traded Flame 04 and Seisen 21 to Chris for Loyal 05 and Loyal 20. [109 & 110]
Traded Lancelot 11 to Kaorien for Souen 12. [111]
Traded Whip 10 to Kuroi for Ruffles 05. [112]
Traded Memory 19 to Rhu for Whip 12. [113]
Traded Albhed 10 to WD for Whip 06. [114]
Traded Raven 16 to Jazzy for Souen 34. [115]
Traded Logic 07 to Riry for Rekka 31. [116]
Traded Sword 12 to Hikki for Souen 38. [117]
Traded Souen 05 to DS for Whip 19. [118]
Traded Raven 11 to Berry-chan for Locket 20. [119]
Traded Ougi 18 to Kiri for Necro 01 and Sketch 12. [120]
Traded Kendama 19 to Belle for Seal 02. [121]
~Traded Blood 17 and Smile 16 to
the Card Shop for Gay 08.
Traded Gay 08 to Berry-chan for Rekka 13 and Whip 03. [122]
Traded Chaos 01 and Design 17 to Aki for Shoulder 02. [123]
Traded Tensai 15 to Kaneha for Rekka 40. [124]
Traded Flame 10 and Sleep 04 to Belle for Rekka 30 and Rekka 42. [125 & 126]
Traded Eye 11 to Kaorien for Rekka 02. [127]
Traded Whip 19 to Kuroi for April 08. [128]
Traded Chemist 06 to Li Lian for Rekka 22. [129]
Traded Advisor 04 to Kamila for Ruffles 17. [130]
Traded Abyssinian 09 to Iris for Loyal 16. [131]
~Traded Lolicon 04 and Perfect 11 at the
Card Exchange for King 11.
Gifted Booty 10 to Saints. [132]
Traded Puzzle 14 to Rhu for Lost 12. [133]
Traded King 11 to Bek for April 17. [134]
Traded Nun 08 and Pokedex 131 to Li Lian for Warrior 08 and Whip 07. [135 & 136]
Traded Whip 03 to Kuroi for Ruffles 07. [137]
Traded Puzzle 01 to Rhu for Key 17. [138]
Traded Seisen 18 to Kaneha for Rekka 39. [139]
Traded Nobodies 12 and Rose 04 to Mango for Rekka 43 and Seisen 47. [140]
Traded Pokedex 73 to Mango for Whip 01. [141]
Traded Seisen 47 to Kaneha for Rekka 21. [142]
Traded Oresama18 to Lotus for Wings 12. [143]
Traded Alien 04 to Kuroi for Gekidasa 04. [144]
Traded Blitz 08 to Dejiki for Gemini 19. [145]
Traded Bite 05 to Mango for Perfect 06. [146]
Traded Wings 12 to Iris for Rekka 44. [147]
Traded Hostess 13 to Rachel for Locket 14. [148]
Traded Raven 02 to Maia for Witch 13. [149]
Traded Seal 02 to Miken-chan for Necro 11. [150]
Traded Rain 02 and Sleep 16 to Bon for Shoulder 07. [151]
~Traded Hosts 08 to the
Card Shop for Flute 15 and Locket 08.
Traded Flute 15 to Rashiea for Fiance 10. [152]
Traded Gekidasa 04, Wife 05, Wife 07, and Wife 15 to Aki for Shoulder 03 and Shoulder 05. [153 & 154]
Traded Bang 19 to Bek for Rekka 05. [155]
Traded Ideals 04 to Mango for Whip 14. [156]
Traded Siberian 06 and Siberian 20 to Rashiea for Loyal 11 and Souen 42. [157 & 158]
Traded Lost 10 to Jazzy for Warrior 20. [159]
Traded Reindeer to Aki for Witch 05. [160]
Traded Key 17 to Hikki for Rekka 27. [161]
Traded Tensai 05 to Kamila for Locket 19. [162]
Traded Raven 18 to Willag for Rekka 15. [163]
Traded Esper 06 and Possess 08 to Iris for Warrior 14 and Whip 10. [164 & 165]
Traded Nfu 13 to Berry for Souen 36. [166]
Traded Resist 08 to Jazzy for Unsent 02. [167]
~Traded Disney 18 to the
Card Exchange for Gekidasa 06.
~Traded Fiance 10 and Shark 13 to the
Card Shop for Blood 16 and Blood 17.
Traded Gekidasa 06 and Gekidasa 19 to Aki for Shoulder 09. [168]
Traded Blood 16 and Blood 17 to Belle for Souen 07 and Witch 04. [169 & 170]
Traded Horse 19 to Chris for Lost 14. [171]
Traded Apple 11 to Tomoe for Fashion 19. [172]
For my card post go
Next Log:
Jan-Feb '08