
Feb 16, 2007 13:24

A hawk just hit our window. I didn't know we even got hawks this far into town anymore (because of all the development around here we sorta live towards the middle of town these days). But one swooped down to grab a bird off of the feeder we have on the deck outside of the big bay window and then went smack into it before flying off. Now all these little feathers are covering the deck.

Of course I missed the entire thing. >___<


I don't know whether to be amused or annoyed with fans who still insist that R!Syaoran is CCS!Syaoran.

On one hand, it's amusing since the theory is so insane; on the other hand it's damn annoying since myself and other sane people are starting to sound like a broken record.


'Holic was so cute this week. <3

But I just checked CLAMP-NET.com and saw that there's no chapter next week now. :(

'Holic gets no love from CLAMP.


While playing WoW last night I got jumped by a lv 29 guy while I was busy attacking an bear (I was lv 24). Needless-to-say, I went down quickly since the level difference was so great, but instead of curing his health (I got in the odd hit before going down) he decided to laugh and spit on my corpse which allowed a lv 28 Horde player to get the jump on him!


By that point I'm up again and start sending my demon pet over to attack when he goes down (I think I got an another attack in before he died, since the other person thanked me! ^___^). Then the two of us and another person he jumped, start camping his corpse, ready to kill him again since he was a bad player (although you're allowed too, it's not considered good to attack players so much lower than you because you don't get credit for it) but we quickly got bored since he was taking so long and went back to what we were doing.

About 15 minutes later, I was killing another bear when out of the corner of my eye I see our Night Elf friend back, running down the path so I shoot off a message to the Horde chat, finish killing the bear and started after him hoping a high level person had caught the guy (there were plenty around) as I wanted a few more hits in on him. Unfortunately however I didn't get there in time because a lv 26 guy solo'd in taking him down!


The loser couldn't even beat a person 3 levels lower than him! No wonder he was attacking such lower levels (which like I said, doesn't make sense unless you're a jerk since you don't get credit).

Honestly though if he hadn't laughed and spit on my corpse I wouldn't have cared so much about getting him back because jumping a player while they're attacking an enemy is just taking advantage of a good situation. That and whole attacking low levels thing though really pissed me off.

tsubasa: rc, wow, clamp, xxxholic

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