WoW and TRC

Feb 07, 2007 20:19

For some reason there was a lot of Alliance players around today. I know I've only been playing a few days but this was the first time I've ever seen them.

The first time I saw them it was amusing since they running away as fast as they could from some Horde players. Hehe

The other two times I wasn't quite as impressed with them. I had a level ?? shaman try to taunt me into fighting him (since it was Horde territory the Alliance cannot attack unless they're attacked first) and then when I was on my way back from a quest I had a level ?? Night Elf druid challenge me to a duel. Surrreee... I at lv 14 am going to accept a duel from someone I don't even know their level. Too bad the two sides can't talk to each other or else I would have told him, I'd accept the duel if we head down the road to Undercity (the Undead captial) and have it take place in the middle of the city with all these high level Horde players around.

btw, I don't know how things are on the Alliance side but the Horde is ultra cool. There's an unspoken agreement that whenever we see someone needing help, we go help. I had my ass saved different times by other players and did some saving myself. Back when I was playing FFXI I once got yelled at when I tried helping someone who was being doubled teamed because then I "stole their kill" because apparently dying and losing experience points (which in some cases will drop you down a level) was better than getting help even though I had already been casting a spell when they had gone and attacked the enemy I was after and it was too late to cancel the spell.


As for TRC, I don't have much to say about it this week since it was mainly a Sakura chapter and even though I've taken to defending her and don't think she should be bashed doesn't mean she's no longer my least favourite character in the series. The way she's been acting does bug me but that's still no reason to bash her.

Eagle was hot though, as was Lantis and Geo (and Kurogane and Fay but they weren't around much in this chapter). I'm not usually a threesome fan but Eagle/Lantis/Geo was one I liked back when I read MKR. I always felt bad for Geo since Eagle ignored him a lot of the time for Lantis. That's my biggest problem with threesomes, someone always gets left out.

tsubasa: rc, wow, clamp

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