Dear Yuletide Letter

Dec 25, 2011 15:30

Dear Yuletide Author,

First, thank you for writing a story for me for Yuletide. I assure you I love all the fandoms I requested and wouldn't mind a fic in any one of them.

I'm pretty flexible when it comes to the fics that I like. A G-rated fluff piece, a NC-17 PWP and anything in between is perfectly fine. Most of my prompts (except xxxHolic) were written with pairings in mind but I'm totally okay if you want to write gen fic instead. It should be possible to tweet all the prompts to gen without too much difficulty.

Please stay away from death fics. And if you do decided to write smut please avoid things like scat, watersports, breathplay and enemas,

Some things I like are happy endings, misunderstandings, fluff, sexual tension, hurt/comfort, drama and angst. Don't worry including everything though, the only thing I really want is a happy ending (unless you're filling the Blood-C prompt, but more on that later). If you want to write smut, toys and light bondage is fine (and just plain vanilla) but nothing much more than that.

The Prompts
Gate 7 - Sakura, Tachibana and Hana
Since Sakura admits in canon he can't sleep alone, I would like a fic where he sneaks into Tachibana's bed each night after everyone is asleep and leaves early in the morning. It can be because he likes Tachibana or because there's a lack of options (Tachibana would kill him if he tried it with Hana). Tachibana can either secretly know and put up with it or finds out during the course of the story.

It would also be awesome if you could also include some family time between Tachibana, Sakura and Hana (it's fine to include Chikahito too but not a requirement).

I love these two. I would like something fluffy (even if you go the gen route). They seem care a lot about each other in canon (ie, Sakura running after Tachibana when Tachibana was upset and Tachibana warning Sakura to not "become like before"), so maybe something like that can be incorporated.

I also adore it how much Tachibana, Sakura and Hana act like a family. I love the fact that Tachibana and Sakura gave Hana her name. The three of them are so cute how Tachibana and Sakura act like parents to Hana.

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Blood-C - Kisaragi Saya and Nanahara Fumito
I would really like something where Fumito is creeping on Saya who is unable to respond at that moment. Like maybe something mid-season and Fumito checks in on Saya when she's fast asleep. Or while he's altering/erasing her memory. Go as dark as you want.

Saya/Fumito remind me of a non-canon, het version of Seishirou/Subaru. I would love for something fucked up between the two. Everything I said in the first part of the letter about happy endings and fluff, forget about that. If you want to do non-con between them, do it. If you want Fumito to torture Saya while erasing her memories, do it.

I would just love Fumito being creepy and Saya being entirely unaware of it. It doesn't have to be anything sexual.

It's also okay if you want to do something from Saya's point of view. Like maybe she's crushing on Fumito without knowing what a creep he is.

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xxxHolic - Yuuko and Watanuki
I would a post-canon fic that is similar to the way the story began except this time it's a teenage, reincarnated Yuuko who goes to the shop. I would like it if Yuuko either didn't remember Watanuki at first (but then remembers throughout the story) or remembers but pretends she doesn't and is there to simply make a wish.

Gen only please.

I love the relationship in canon that Yuuko and Watanuki have. I don't see it as romantic though which is why I only want gen.

I do like the ending for Holic so I would like it if you avoided Yuuko yelling at Watanuki for being a stupid moron. I think she would accept his decision as long as he was happy with the choice he made (and it seems like he is).

I kind of have a kink for amnesia fic which is why I would like it for Yuuko not to remember at first, but it's okay if you only have her pretend she doesn't remember. I just don't want her entering the shop and acting like everything is normal.

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Tiger & Bunny - Kotetsu Kaburagi and Barnaby Brooks Jr.
Since canon gave us Kotetsu throwing a party for Barnaby, I'd like the opposite where Barnaby is the one who decides to do something for Kotetsu's birthday. Not necessarily a party since I don't think Barnaby would do that but something more intimate, just the two of them. Kotetsu being Kotetsu however ends up screwing things up. Either by forgetting his own birthday or making his own surprise plans to spend with Barnaby instead.

I love Barnaby angst (his tears taste like candy!) but since this prompt is pretty light-hearted I'm fine if he simply gets frustrated from his plans not coming together. I also love how dorky Kotetsu is and how he always seems to know what to say when someone is unsure of themselves.

If you want to include smut (and it's perfectly okay if you don't want to write that), I don't care who tops and who bottoms. I know some people care about that with this pairing but not me, I see them as a switching couple.


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