Dear Yuletide Letter

Dec 25, 2010 16:09

Dear Author,

Thank you in advance for writing me a fic for Yuletide. Hopefully this letter will give you a better clue what I like and what I do not like in fanfics. I like fics of any rating so write what you're most comfortable with.

The following lists are in no specific order and you certainly don't have to include everything from the 'Like' list.

What I Like
Happy Endings
Characters being IC

What I Don't Like
Character Bashing
Death Fics (unless the death is canon)
Underage sex

The Requests

1. RG Veda - Ashura-ou, Taishakuten - Ashura-ou and Taishakuten spend on last night together before the start of the war.

It doesn't necessarily have to be sex between them. I would like something where they're aware that they only have a few more hours together of peace before they would be meeting on the battlefield on opposing sides.

It doesn't have to be cute/sweet/fluffy because I don't think those two characters would act that way around each other (especially Ashura-ou). They're a slightly screwed up pairing and that's the way I like them.


2. Skip Beat - Mogami Kyoko, Tsuruga Ren - For business, Ren has to entertain a foreign model and although Kyoko is okay with it at first, she gradually becomes jealous over the amount of time Ren is spending with the model instead of her.

One of the things I don't like about the series is that Kyoko is still hasn't realized her feelings for Ren. That's what I want most, that Kyoko starts becoming aware that she loves him.

btw, I think it would be hilarious if the model turned out to be Ren's mother, but that's not a requirement, since I realize that might be difficult to work in.


3. Kobato - Hanato Kobato, Fujimoto Kiyokazu, Okiura Kazuto, Okiura Sayaka - You don't have to use all four characters (unless you want too). I was thinking of a Kobato/Fujimoto prompt where Fujimoto is sick because of working too hard at all his jobs and Kobato decides to take care of him. I'm also okay with a Okiura/Sayaka story where either Okiura or Sayaka (or both) admit to still being in love.

Kobato is so dorky and sweet. I love to see her freaking out while being determined to take care of Fujimoto. She would probably try and buy every medicine that the store had even though Fujimoto simply had a minor cold due to exhaustion.

I also love Okiura and Sayaka's relationship. I really want them to be together by the end of the series. I feel that (in canon) Okiura isn't honest with his feelings about the kindergarten and Sayaka. It wouldn't surprise me at all if everything he's doing is an odd way of trying to protect Sayaka.


4. Pandora Hearts - Xerxes Break, Reim Lunettes - Break thinks that Reim is overworked and decides to drag him outside for some fun/a date.

I listed this prompt as M/M in the sign up but you certainly don't have to write the fic that way. I'm completely okay with with a gen fic of the two. (There was no option to click both M/M and Gen to indicate I was fine with both)

I really like how Break and Reim interact in canon. How even though Break drives Reim crazy half the time, they're still really good friends.

The story can take place before or after Break becomes blind. I don't mind either way, it's up to you to determine what works best with the fic.


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